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Everything posted by orionn1

  1. Does anyone know where to get a custom jig head/leadhead made.
  2. I found some info on the porous plastic used for the fluid bed. It is called porosity board. I just can't find where I can get it. Tj tackle sells it as a round disk for replacements for the fluid bed. However I would like to find where I can buy a bunch to make my own
  3. I pour my powder straight into the cup. Am I suppose to be putting another medium such as coffee filter, vacuum bag in the fluid bed before putting in the powder? I usually get good coverage on my heads but I would say my volume doesn't double , it probably only increase by a quarter but I do get fluid like movement. I am not sure if it is suppose to be a little smokey. I get the boiling water effect but it seems to smoke off a lot of powder paint if that makes sense?I do often get volcanoes too though and I usually turn it down. Any suggestions thanks
  4. does the acetate sheet leech at all when applying to your lures ie when you are putting on a clear coat? regards and they look great rob
  5. I have been powder coating leadheads for a while now an just ordered a iwata airbrush eclispe. I just bought hard plastic baits fromhttp://bustinbassbaits.com/Shop.html and was wondering what type of paints should i use to start. I vinyl, expoxy, brand createx etc? thanks for the help
  6. One you have to use a fluid bed. It just gives a perfect coating. If you try and dip into the protec jars or any jar that is not being agitated you will get thick coatings and nipples and eyes covered. Second go to columbia coatings and order their plugs: http://www.columbiacoatings.com/Silicon_Plug_Cap_Kit_s/318.htm I got some samples from shercon so I am not sure what sizes the kits are from columbia but it looks like they have plenty of different size and they will last for ever so its worth the price. Heat your leadhead (use a heat gun I used a torch before and it is so hard to get the perfect temperature and the heat gun is constant) then us the plug to cover the eye and dip. works like a charm never have to clear eyes except when I forget to put the plug on lol. I learned this from someone on the website here but can't remember who I would like to give them credit. It is by far the best method I have come across. You can even put the plug on before you heat since they are heat resistant.
  7. Hey cadman thanks for all the help, where do you get your expoxy? and I am correct that you brush on your expoxy right? and the clear coat with devcon? thanks robert
  8. here is a leadhead powder coated with uv blast under normal fluorescentlight. Now under a uv light which is the reason they came up with uv blast, is because uv light is suppose to be able to penetrate deeper that other colors of light. For example red is used for fishing line since it drops off the color chart quicker in water hence supposedly more undetectable to fish ps hope the pictures attach
  9. I think I will go with the eclipse then thanks airbrushextreme quote name='airbrushextreme' timestamp='1292366268' post='156959'] I have worn out 2 badgers in a single year I have several Iwata airbrushes 2 being eclipse models and they have been going strong without showing any signs of wear just my personal opinion but I would stick with Iwata they have more precision I also bought the micro adjustment handle for my eclipse just like the one on my hi line and custom microns and it turns an already good brush into a super brush
  10. I am thinking about either the badger 155 anthem model or the Iwata Eclipse BCS, Bottle Feed Airbrush HP-BCS any thoughts? thanks
  11. If I coat a unpainted leadhead with it it gives a slight purple hue but not too much. Just enough so I can see that it has been coated. I have done some testing and the stuff is great if you have clear water i have had pulled up from about 16 feet of water and can see the uvpainted head about 2-3ft faster than I can see a white head. I haven't tried the uv on dark colors. I think I will tonight. And I agree that the uvblast looks great with pearl and its great too with holographic glitter.
  12. Yes yours , I was just saying sometimes I get some glue on the eyes when gluing in weedgaurds
  13. Let me get this straight? You use devcon which is a glue to glue eye down then your also using a top coat of devcon 30 minutes( which I assume is different from devcon 5)? I just use super glue non gel types never any problems
  14. I have the compressor and airbrush from harbor freight. The regulator valve is a little sticky it seems to me but works fine it has a small air tank that goes quickly but the compressor kicks in quickly with no delay. The airbrush sprays fine of course I am using it with powder paint and the powder water so getting the constinecy correct is the trick. This is my first airbrush so knowing how it works and if it is performing the way it should is still up for questioning lol. It does seem to work ok. My issue is I am using columbia coatings powder paint for my base coating and then protec paint for the blending and I am getting colors that have a burnt hue. The guys here told me two things you have to let the powder dry before baking if you are using the powder water up to 24 hours before baking and also the protec paints seem to have issues with the airbrushing and burnt effect overall i would say it is a good buy if you don't have money to spend hard to beat $60 for and air compressor and $14 for and airbrush. But this site has a lot of good deals http://www.chicagoairbrushsupply.com/ good luck
  15. got to get more colors from columbia coatings before I powder coat powder coat. Most of mine is from protec. Thanks for the info on the eyes pirkfan
  16. Ok I still am getting the burnt color from red. I powder coated with a white base and then airbrushed with red. after i finished all the airbrushing I turned on toaster oven to just a 100 degrees for 5 min just to help dry. There was no color change then. I then let them dry overnight and bake them this morning around 10 am first and 150 degrees for 10 min then put it up to 350 for another 10 mins. Still got the burnt color. Do you think one it wasn't dry enough or two i was using columbia powder for the white base and csi for the red airbrush? thanks
  17. pirkfan what do you mean hanging drop method for the eyes? thanks
  18. Ok I will let my heads dry before baking. Yes I am airbrushing . Right now I am just using a cheap airbrush from harbour freight. I want to get a iwata eclispe. Anyone recommend this airbrush or any other. thanks
  19. I haven't tried brushing with a traditional brush but I do know if I get to close with the Air Brush I do push the paint around a little bit.
  20. I am getting colors that have a burned hue to them after I bake my leadheads when using the powder water. I vaguely remember that I should let the leadhead dry before baking? is that correct? regards robert
  21. Hey guys I have been doing some research on mask and lead safety. I contacted 3m and got the following email response back from them: The 6000 with P100 filters would be recommended for lead dust and fume (from melting and pouring). The facepiece selection is based on airborne concentration. The 6000 half ask with the P100 filters will reduce your exposure by 10 times when the respirator has been properly fitted, used and maintained. Without the exposure concentration I cannot confirm that the 6000 is the proper respirator. For technical information you may call 1-800-243-4630 Craig E. Colton, CIH | Division Scientist-Regulatory Affairs 3M Occup Health & Env Safety 3M Center, Building 235-2E-91 | St. Paul, MN 55144 Office: 651 733 6297 | Fax: 651 736 7344 cecolton@mmm.com | www.3M.com | www.3M.com/Occsafety Also on lead safety and cleanup I found this info from niosh http://www.skcinc.com/prod/763-001.asp it is the only approved clean up kit approved by the cdc and niosh there is also a lead detection kit on the same site Hope this helps guys robert
  22. Thanks for the info on eyes I should of asked where is the best place buy hooks from. thanks
  23. I usually buy my fish eyes from barlow's tackle but recently found the boss eyes from www.fishingskirts.com . Does anyone know where to get eyes cheap? I really like the eyes from fishskirts but hould like to by in bulk thanks. robert
  24. This a link to 3m regarding the 3m 6000 mask http://solutions.3m....PbeF3RH7CD92Ngl this website sells the 3m 6000 mask as an abestos and lead respirator. http://www.pksafety.com/asledu.html Think I am going to order this vs the mask I currently use. hope this helps
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