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Everything posted by orionn1

  1. How do you tell what the colors really look like from columbia coatings. There swatches are just kind of generic. Did you just take a guess? I am looking for I guess your standard colors , Red ,orange, white, yellow, etc? I would like to try their illusion colors and flourescent too but they don't really show. regards robery
  2. Here is the hazard of getting too comfortable/taking lead for granted third degree burn,I wearing shorts was. I tried sitting down because my back and legs get sore after pouring for a while. The benefit of standing though is you can move quickly to get out of the way if lead splatter. Since I was sitting I couldn't move quickly when the lead poured out of the mold. What happened was the mold was extremely hot as well as the lead so it didn't set/cool quickly like when I opened the mold have of the lead was still liquid. It ran right of the edge of the table and right on my leg and stupid me wearing shorts. I usually pour wearing pants and bbq apron gloves mask/respirator and goggles. hope this helps rob
  3. Hey airbrush, which eclipse model is it? the 4200 model? There are a couple of different elcipse models thanks robert
  4. What airbrush setup/brand are you using to powder coat? thanks robert
  5. orionn1


    What type of pot are you using? Lee melting pot? If so a couple of thinks you can try: Don't fill pot totally full. Especially if your using an electric pot. Get a propane torch the ones that are used for sweating pipes and really heat your mold with that. Don't just set it on top of the pot to heat (though this works some of the time). Sounds like your flux ok and doing everything you can do. I also notice during different times of the year it seems to be easier to pour as in the summer. IMO when its colder out (i pour outside ) even in CA it seems like it takes longer for the lead to head up and molds will also cool faster. Also just make sure your lead is getting totally hot , even then though it pours quickly it might be only 400 degrees when you want to a 100 degrees hot etc. get a thermometer and check your temps. hope this helps
  6. Sorry if this a repeat question but I searched the threads and couldn't find anything specific. I want to start painting my leadheads. i want to do two tone and three tones , blending etc. I have a fluid bath for dipping and Have done single color dips. I have seen some threads that powder coating is the way to go and one thread someone said they spray their powder. Should I use an airbrush and if so which brand do you recommend. If airbrushing isn't the way what is the best way to get the two tone blended effect? thanks for the help
  7. I have the fluid bath with the cups (the one from barlows tackle) . I am just trying to figure out where I can get that porous plastic that forms the bottom. I guess guys are using the paper bags and envelopes to make their own fluid bed then correct? I was assuming they were using them in their fluid bed or something.
  8. Does anyone know what the fluid bath filters are made of? I have trying to make my own cups but can't find what that hard porous plastic is ? I also noticed on some threads guys are saying the use other filter/paper in their fluid baths. Can someone elaborate? thanks rob
  9. You can try heating at a lower temperature for a longer period of time like 225 degrees or 250 that has helped me in the past.
  10. I keep mine on 10 all the time
  11. I will try fishy's method on wed after I can get some wire brushes. thanks ps I have tried fluxing and I am using soft lead(no tire weights)
  12. Does anyone know How to stop the dripping of lead in between pours? Between each pour the lead drips and splatters. I have cleaned out the spout and have tried to make sure it is opening and closing properly. Regards robert
  13. frank thanks for the info do you have a picture of your? you can email at oriontala1@yahoo.com
  14. I was looking at getting a TWINJECTOR. Dual color hand injection kit from either bearbaits or bass tackle? Do I need the block from bass tackle the stablizer on the handles? What are our thoughts?
  15. The presto pots seem kind of large do people mostly use them for melting a large amount of plastic? so dumb question. When you using the pour spout is it for pouring directly into a mold or to a transfer cup or something or do you just take it out with a hand injector? thanks
  16. where is the best place to get a presto pot. I googled presto pot and found one at target but it looks huge. Also what about hot plates where is the best place to get those? thanks robert
  17. I am looking to get a powder paint gun setup. What do you guys recommend? and what type of compressor? one designed for powder painting or a small one form home depot etc!!! regards rob
  18. I know there is a lot of variables but generally how many 3 inch swimbaits, or 5 in swimbaits. or how many 6inch worms from a 5 gallon bucket. thanks for the help.
  19. Thanks mike good info I will let you know how it goes.
  20. Hello, Someone on here recommended contacting lurecraft for some sample of there plastic. So I did and they happy to send me some. They sent me some 536. What is the best way to warm (directions etc) since none are on the bottle or in the box. regards robert
  21. If I wanted to get a mold machine from aluminum how much should it generally coast for say a twin grub tale, or a mold with two swim baits etc? regards
  22. Ok got my fluid bath today and wow it is awesome. I will post some pictures soon. I put a base coat of white for my yellow glow in the dark heads. I had some nipples form still. what I did was heat with heat gun and then first dipped in white and replaced over heat gun and then re-dipped in yellow. Should I bake the white before putting the yellow on ? regards and thanks for all the help
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