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Everything posted by caster

  1. caster


    Clean soft lead ingots.
  2. caster


    The main cost of this bait is the correct bill material. 4x8 sheat cost 1132.00
  3. caster

    Jig Head

    Davis Industries in Alabama (256)2492281
  4. Robbor, We have a powder coat line. We can paint up to 40,000 jigs per 8 hour shift. I will be glad to help you paint your jigs or maybe I can give you some ideas so you can paint your own. William
  5. We have tried all sorts of glue and the best that we have found is Devcon extended time. This will let you glue a lot of guards before it sets up. This glue will not turn the baits white and the weed guard will not wick up and get hard. Caster
  6. Dutchman, We build a lot of types of swim jigs. All of our jigs are poured with a pin so we glue these in after we paint. The best most flexible size is in the 120di in the 018 thickness. On some jigs you will need to go up to the 024 thickness. Try both of these and if the .018 hangs to much go to the .024. Hope this will help you. Also make sure you use a epoxy glue so the weed guard does not wick and get stiff.. Caster
  7. Mr. Guy, We have made several styles of lip weights for several builders. We cast the custom wire form in the mold. They use a custom fixture to press the weight in the bill. Hope this will help you. CASTER
  8. Your probley will not find one that has the same angle on the claws They have a US and internationale patent on all Paca Baits that have claws.If you do find one the mold maker is in violaction.
  9. I buy all my needles from Conenti. They offer a large range of them. Hope this will help you.
  10. There are several companys that do this type of custom molding. The problem is you first have to purchase a tool ,then you have to buy so many parts to keep the price down. The last custom tool that we had built was around 1700.00 and we bought 100,000 parts,still have alot of them left. The cost for a custom clam for a swimbait will be high. Be careful ,you can easly waist a lot of money.
  11. Hey I might have what you are looking for. I created a custom hook for jig's about five years ago for a swim jig that I make. Mustad produces the hook for me. I have it in 4/0 , 5/0, 6/0, 7/0 and 8/0. All sizes are forged for strength, This is a beast of a hook. The wire size on the 4/0 and 5/0 is 1.69 mm. The bend is close to a 91768. Let me know and I can send you samples of this hook.
  12. I will be glad to talk to you about building molds for you. We build custom molds every day. Email me. Thanks, Caster
  13. caster

    Custom Hooks

    I have had several hooks made and depending on the hook company it ranges from 50,000 peices to 100,000. Make sure that you have what you know will sell or you will have wasted alot of money, Caster
  14. Davis Bait Company has anew Shaky Magnum with a flipping style hook. Saw these at Marks Outdoors in Alabama. Comes in 3/16 thru 9/16 oz. Hope this will help you.
  15. We do all types of spin casting. What questions do you have.
  16. Send me an email and I will be glad to see if I cant help you with this project. Caster
  17. Just wanted to let you guy's know that DFD has had the lowest prices on the last three molds I have had done. Give Dallas Davis a call he will take care of you. Caster
  18. The best way that I have tryed is add a couple of drops of liquid soap in water and dip your hook in and slide the skirt or rattle band on with ease. We build hundreds each day and that what works best for us . Hoe this will help you. Caster
  19. After reading this a lot of guys are right on the money. If you love to fish and spend time with your family this is not the business that you want to be in. You will start of making all the lures that you can make and when thats not enough and thats when you have to hire help and thats when every thing changes. I have been in the business for twenty eight years and I have seen it all when it comes to help. Another thing that you have to deal with on a regular basis is the federal goverment wich will take a lot of your time dealing with them. I have been ask so many times how did you come up with a business building lures thats is worth two million?, and I tell everybody it is easy , Invest five million and wait two to three years and you will have one. I advise working for the big guns or selling your ideas to one of them, And you will make more money and all the time to spend with your family and fish. Im sure this is not what you wanted to hear but this is the truth. Hope this will help you. Caster
  20. I will be glad to talk to you about doing your jig heads. We are in Alabama. Email me. Thanks Caster
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