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Big Bass Man

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Everything posted by Big Bass Man

  1. Awesome looking pike Mikko!! When the sun makes contact with that glitter, it will put off some great flash!! Patrick
  2. Awesome job Robert with the foil and the scales!!
  3. Thanks Ben! I released her after weighing and a few pics. Hoping to catch that Big Gurl again one day, She still alludes me however!! Lol

  4. I never have sprayed devcon through an airbrush, I always brush it on and then put it on the drying wheel. If it has already hardened in your airbrush, I am not sure. When I spray automotive clear, I use laquer thinner to clean my brush. Patrick
  5. I use the Createx Fluorescent Yellow, Spray 3 to 4 light coats per ech line. Draw a line with a sharpie on a flat piece of plastic and then cut out on each side of the sharpie mark, That will give you a lateral line. I use the flat sides of our discarded milk jugs, they make great stencil material. You can make different length stencils by drawing longer or shorter lines. Hope that helps!! Patrick
  6. Big Bass Man


    Awesome job Joe, Thats a mean looking crank!!
  7. Thanks Ben!! I went ahead and ordered the Super Hone Strops along with the knife. Patrick
  8. Awesome video Dave, Thanks for sharing!! I will definately be looking over this thread, the next several days, trying to figure out what lips to use on the baits I carved. Patrick
  9. Thanks Gene!! It definately help me to get started. I will get one of those Murphys and give it a try, I will let you know when I carve one with it. The day absolutely flew by sitting outside whittling away, no better way to spend a Sunday afternoon!! I think I an HOOKED!!
  10. Thanks Gene!! It was your tutorial that got me interested in giving it a try, Thanks for sharing it with us!! I have been buying up my tools over the last couple of months to give it a try. What is the best knife for carving? I carved out a few more Today, using all of the advice given, I appreciate everyone helping out!! I know I was thrilled when I caught a bass on something I painted, cant wait to catch one on a bait I carved, How awesome would that be!! Here is the few I did Today: This one is more flat sided than the one above I used egg shaped weights for my ballast weight. The rest of my hardeware should be in sometime this week, so I can finish them and test them out. Thanks again for all of the help! Patrick
  11. Your very welcome !! I buy the very fine glitter at Hobby Lobby. It can be mixed with Devcon 2ton or Etex before brushing on the lure. You may want to expirement with it, because too much added will ruin the paint job. Good luck with your painting and be sure to have fun with it!! Patrick
  12. Thanks guys!! All advice greatly appreciated!! Going to get out and practice on a few more Today. Patrick
  13. Welcome to TU!! The sexy shad and foxy shad, I can help you with. Sexy Shad: 1.Base white 2.Medium grey scaled back and shoulders 3.Your choice of blue down the center of the back 4.Chartreuse lateral line 5.Black kill spot 6.Orange hook hanger or throat According to what topcoat you are using, epoxies you can add fine glitter to the epoxy for a bit of flash. The foxy shad you just replace the colors from sexy to foxy. Patrick
  14. Thanks Joe!! Brings back memories as a kid growing up. Now to find a comfortable chair for the porch!! Lol Thanks Again for the tip on the fine lines!! Patrick
  15. Thanks Dave!! I have a scroll saw, but wasnt sure that that would cut the lip slot wide enough, never thoght of the hack saw. I am definately going to practice more and try to learn more as I go. I will post results and anything new I learn along the way. I never would have tried this without you guys helping out, Yall are great!! Patrick
  16. Thanks Ben!! I still have a long ways to go on my carving skills. Just thought I would give it a shot, to see how it would go.Nothing like getting out on the front porch and carving!! My dad would have loved it, He used to sit on the front porch and whittle all evening, when I was a teenager. Not sure that this one will swim straight or not, but I am going to give it a try. Patrick
  17. I tried my 1st shot at carving a lure out of basswood. Tools I used were a scroll saw, dremmel tool, dremmel engraver, drill and sandpaper. I have a few questions , if someone dont mid answering them. The fine lines around the gill plate area, waht is best used for those? I used the dremmel engraver on those, but didnt come out as smooth as I would have liked. What is the best way to mark the eyes to get them exactly even? What is the best way to cut the lip slot without having a bandsaw? What will be the best ballast weight to use on a crank this size? Sorry for all of the questions, I still have a lot to learn about bait carving. Here are a few pics of my first carved crank. Thanks, Patrick
  18. Sent you an email Don, If you need any help with them, Just let me know bud.

  19. Big Bass Man

    New Sunfish Attempt

    Nice looking Pumkinseed!! Great Match!
  20. Big Bass Man


    Nice looking crank!! Very nice carving skills!!
  21. Big Bass Man

    Gliding bitches

    Awesome work Solarfall, My wife and daughter loved the pink one!!
  22. You can also use Krylon Fusion as a white basecoat, in the satin color. Sand your lure smooth, spray on the krylon fusion and then paint and wash off as many times as you would like. The krylon fusion will not wash off with water. Just an idea for an easier way to practice. Patrick
  23. Your welcome Don!! My neighbor restores old muscle cars and I thought of him when I saw it. It will be a great memory for someone indeed!!

  24. Big Bass Man

    Hot Rod 006

    Thats an awesome looking crankbait, Great job!!
  25. Big Bass Man

    Sharky Shad

    The eyes, I seal in with Devcon 2 Ton 30 min epoxy. I just polish up the ends after cutting. Its a lot of extra work that goes into a painted bait, but if it helps catch fish, its worth it. Patrick
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