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Big Bass Man

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Everything posted by Big Bass Man

  1. I use the cheap throw away brushes.
  2. Big Bass Man

    The big bad trout

    Looks Awesome Solarfall !!
  3. Big Bass Man


    Nice work!!
  4. I use the blue painters tape also.
  5. Big Bass Man


    Nice work Fubar!!
  6. Nice work, it looks great !!
  7. Hey Ken, try mixing your etex with a big paperclip for at least 3-4 minites. The paperclip will not make the air bubbles in the epoxy. Mix thoroughly for all 3-4 minutes!! Try brushing on with a small brush. It should harden fine as long it was mixed with equal parts.
  8. Nice work Solarfall, Those look great !!
  9. Big Bass Man

    LC Perch

    Nice work Gunnie!!
  10. Big Bass Man

    magik man

    Very Nice Gunnie!!
  11. Looks Great !! Very nice job!!
  12. Big Bass Man


    Looks Great !!
  13. Big Bass Man


    Awesome foil job !!
  14. Big Bass Man

    Peacock Bass

    Very Nice, You do some great work !!
  15. Big Bass Man


    Nice work, looks great!!
  16. Nice work on the crackle!!
  17. Big Bass Man

    Kernit on Crack

    Nice work, you have the crackle pattern down!!
  18. Awesome work and detail Matt !!
  19. Amazing work Matt !! Those are AWESOME
  20. Nice work, the crackle looks great !!
  21. Big Bass Man

    Crank it up

    Nice work !!
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