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Everything posted by Stevenwxly

  1. I recently was able to buy out an old time lure maker who has retired. He used to make wood blanks, under contract, for many of the major lure manufacturers including Gilmore, Fred Arbogast, Ozark Mountain Woodchoppers, and Creek Chub to name a few. I have a few of his Pikie Minnow blanks now...but those are not for sale. He had a recent back operation and has told me that he is much better than he used to be, and believes he will shortly be able to go back working in his wood shop to make up some more blanks for another individual who has ordered some. I contacted him recently and asked if he would be interested in making some of the Pikie Minnow blanks for me....and he said that he would. He had a lot of low resin Sugar Pine on hand still....and has said he has ordered new wood for the other blanks his customer now wants..... Enclosed here is a photo of two of the Pikie Minnow blanks in sugar pine that he had made for Creek Chub....many years ago. He still has the jigs and can again turn our about as many as I would want....but I need to give him an order for at least 500 of these blanks (for each size) to make it worth his time and effort to set up the automatic lathe to do this job. By the way...the lathe was made in Germany at a cost of around $ 25,000.00....and can turn out perhaps a wood blank about every 30-45 seconds....and they are all exactly alike....exactly. Here is a photo of two of the Pikie's that I have now.......they both feature a 1/8' hole from front to rear (for thru wire construction) and eye holes, as well as two belly holes. ( I am only going to have one belly hole on mine..........) They can easily be weighted with the addition of 1/8 inch weights in the nose, belly or tail...or all three if desired. They will also be made with the lip grove already in too. The estimated cost for 500 of these blanks is going to be around $ 1.00 to $ 1.25 each.....and I want perhaps 100 of them for myself....so will have around 300-400 of them to share with others - if there is interest. Nothing for sale...here....now....just a inquirey to see if others want to get in on this ------to get some of the Pikie Minnow blanks for themselves...... Please contact me thru Email here on this forum - if you are interested........and the price for the blanks above is just a 'guesstimate'...they may run less or more....depending...... Photo.....the small Pikie is 5 3/4 inches in length....the larger one is 7 3/4 inch. You may have to enlarge this photo to get an idea of what they would be like. Steve
  2. If you think I was trying to advertise my business or sell my lures with my last post, " removing Paint From Lures"....really I was not........ I am fairly new here, but have been building lures for many years..........Sorry if I bent the rules.....I was not trying to sell anything....not my lures nor the information that I imparted for free in my post....merely trying to pass on info that I have gained while trying different methods to clean old paint off lures to spruce them up. If.........well intentioned new techniques are not welcome here ..... then perhaps I ( and my ideas) would be more welcome at another venue. Steve
  3. Hello All. I am a professional lure maker.....I make old school wooden plugs for bass, crappie, even some big old thru -wire saltwater type lures. About 6 months ago I was fortunate enough to buy out a friend of mine - who had manufactured wood blanks for years for many of the major lure manufactures. I could name all the names....but that is not important. I got a hold of several thousand wood blanks that were turned on a giant lathe. Some were unpainted, - many others were painted at the lure factories....and sent back to my friend for completion....for him to add hardwear and such. I have been selling the lure blanks as little lure kits online for a few months.....and had until now been selling the painted lures just in a big pile....since the all had some small chigger bites or imperfections in the paint on them. I tried several methods to clean the paint from them to get them back to just a plain wood blank.....first scrubbing them with gasoline - which was a time consuming and messy job. Then I got some paint remover....which was also very messy work. Then I bought a rock polisher at Harbor Freight and began turnihg 3-4 painted plugs at a time on the rock polisher - using sand and a little water....and it was critical as to the amount of sand, water to make for a good balance in the container or if it was out of balance - the polisher would no longer turn correctly. The two containers that came with the rock polisher had 'funky' closures - in that the nut broke almost immediately from both containers. So I went to a plastic container....a non - see thru....and then finally to just a plain old mayonaise jar - that I could look thru to see how things were going during the polishing process. Today I hit upon the ideal thing - I believe............I put in about 2 ozs. of the paint remover....called Klean-Strip Stripper from Wal-Mart..........along with about 2-3 tablespoons of the sand. Then I put in about 4-5 of the painted plugs....and instead of having to turn them for 2-3 days ( 24/7) ....about 72 hours to remove all the paint..........with just the sand and water.....the paint remover and the sand took off all the paint in about 45 minutes......quick - fairly painless - and a hell of a good way to clean off your old painted plugs - so that you can work them over or repaint them. after taking off all the paint from the plugs - I washed them off with soapy warm water in the bathroom sink...then put them into a 200 degree oven to dry throughly for about an hour or so...."wall la"......the plugs were not back to pretty much their originalo state of being just a plain wood blank- ready for a new paint job and hardware.....and of course - 'fishing them". Thought this was a pretty good tip - and was I willing to share this with all my friends here at TackleUnderground.com, as I have learned many new things about making lures that I did not know previously. Steve Weatherly Little Bit Lrues - Greenfield, MO
  4. I just returned from the Tackle Underground Get Together in Clinton, MO. Met some great guys who enjoy doing what I like - making lures....and also learned some new stuff about forming balsa wood lures, moulding lures from poured resin, airbrush painting, making crank bait lips, and such. There were several live demo's of the above by some very talented and experienced lure builders, and it was all broadcast on the net by the head honcho at TU. Good job everyone. Our hosts Nathan and Debbie Bettencourt outdid themselves with their hospitality and we had a good meet with a great lunch of tacos and all the trimmings compliments of Little Debbie. (Mrs. ...thanks Debbie for the good eats. Before I left to drive back home to Greenfield, MO we all traded some lures......the boys up on Truman Lake call them "baits"....but when I think of bait - I think of a can of worms or a bucket of minners. I was able to score some great "baits" from most of the guys when we traded lures.....now I will closely examinine them....and will probably be trying to make ones just like them in a day or two. Also had the opportunity to meet the head designer and former head guide for Bass Pro Shops in Springfield, MO. He showed us some neat lures that just hitting the market.....I guess if you were a fish - you might think it "stuff to die for". Anyway some really nice guys, who have some really fine talent for making fishing lures. You should have been there ! Steve @ Little Bit Lures
  5. Hi, I make wood lures professionally ( although I am retired from working....and I also do it for the fun or enjoyment....... as well as making a modest amount of money doing it )and I sell them mostly online..... But I also have retirement income from Social Security and a little from a teaching pension.....so am not exactly making my living from making and selling fishing lures. And I think that the little cups are mainly for cosmetic looks. They just make the lure look nicer and "more tidy". I don't think they have much a purpose other than that. I use them on most all my lures on the front and the rear of the plug....in conjuction with a screw eye, as I just think it makes for a nicer, more professionally looking lure. If you wanted to save a little you could perhaps just leave them off....and your lures would look and perform much the same as having used them. Steve
  6. CTBass56, Looks like you have gotten some good advice from a few guys who "have been there and done that". I think I would read and reread what they are saying, and then take a good hard look at what you want to do. As I think I tried to get across in my reply to you and these other guys seem to concur..... if your handmade lures are great - you should do OK....maybe even better than OK. But on the other hand, if your stuff is just so-so, or not quite up to par with your competitors in quality, price, customer service, ...... just everything. Then it might not work out for you so well. In any case....good luck with everything. I hope it works well for you. Steve ...........................................................................................................................................................
  7. Hello Me Amigo, I began making baits similar to what you are doing perhaps 30 years ago....then gave it up and taught public school for many years. I just retired from teaching a year or so back and am now engaged in making handmade wood lures......topwaters, a few crank baits, jerk baits...that sort of thing. I recently had the good furtune to purchase about 5,000 wood lure blanks from a retiring friend who manufactured them for all the Big Boy manufacturers....did you know almost all of them did that...contracted that work out to smaller guys ???? Anyway I have lots of wood lure blanks...some already factory painted. And the others I paint myself....and am getting pretty good at painting them too. I do not possess a whole lot of artistic talent....but I can make a good looking - good selling - wood lure or two. I also have a pretty nice little 'wood shop' with a nice lathe, and all the rest of the wood working equip. I need to manufacture the wood blanks. I started selling them on Ebay about six weeks ago, and have been averaging selling about $ 100.00 of the lures per week for that time frame. So I am not getting rich or even able to support myself on that $ 400 a month. But I also get social security, and buy and sell a few boats, motors, and trailers - so I get by - pretty good. Here is my take on what you want to do..... There are a lot of really good lure makers making wood lures and plugs....some make them with automated machines,...some make them all by hand. Also there lots, and lots, and lots of folks who are making soft baits and hard spinner baits....mostly at home in their spare time...and they mostly are also selling these either in their local area or online. I have an acquaintence.....another guy who makes fishing lures. He makes mostly spinners, and hard metal type lures. He sets up and sells at several of the local flea markets in this area or Southwest Missouri - near Springfield. He is starving to death......I have several of his lures....they look like crap, and most of them won't catch any fish. He has absolutely no talent for this at all......his lures look like they were made by 4th graders. I sold him about 50 of my wood blanks and then saw what he made with them....and they all were made incorrectly and his paint schemes again.....looked like elementary school kids have made them....or perhaps he had his dog paint them- I don't know. So this business takes lots of savvy, and some God given talent to make it. And again I am not exactly "making it" with my lures. The extra money I get from them - helps out....but I would probably be at our local "Souls Harbor or the Salvation Army" - if I did not have a pretty good check coming in from the US Govt. with my social security. My point is that there is a lot of competition......unless you are a very talented artist whose baits look way better than most factory-made - manufactured lures. Those few guys who are very talented in this field are making money......the average guy who just makes up a few lures.....that will catch fish....but whose lures are nothing special .....all have "day jobs" to pay the bills. I think you will find that you can always make a few bucks by making and selling lures...but I think your overhead.....lure molds, equipment, and such might cost you more than you would sell....unless like I explained above - you get very good at your craft. Steve - Little Bit Lures - Greenfield, MO PS - I live about 40 miles from the Bass Pro Shop in Springfield, MO. They have the big store and also a discount annex store - where they are selling the soft plastic baits by the pound @ $ 5.00 a lb. They have loads of them. I have bought some....and have paid perhaps about 3 or 4 cents for a nice soft bait lure body....then added my own hooks and such. You (on the other hand ) spend a lot of time making up soft baits, but you have to get perhaps $ 2 to 3.00 each for them when you sell them ......(in our area....that just is not going to happen- because everyone knows that they can go to Bass Pro Shop and buy them for pennies.) I might suggest that you investigate making handmade wood lures - instead....and then make the ones used for saltwater use...if they are good- you can command some real nice $$$$ for them. ((( I am not trying to sell any of my lures here.....merely just telling this fellow who I am - so he can check me out - if he desires ))))
  8. Hi, Steve here in Missouri. I am the one who recommended Deft Clear Wood Finish for dipping for a final coat(s). It sounds like you have put too much paint....or too many coats of paint on your lure before you have dipped it if the paint is shriveling up. I have done this......I had put a primer coat on the lure, and then sprayed 2-3 more coats of rattle can spray paint on top of that.....then dipped the lure...and sure enough the paint crinkled up and looked terrible. This is a result of having too much paint on your lure. Do this.....put on your primer coat....then spray on only one coat if you are using a solid color...or if you want scales or stripes .....put your main paint coat on...then lightly....lightly spray on the scales or stripss - then let dry throughly and then you are ready to dip the lure. The crinkleing could also be a result of not allowing enough time for the paint to dry on the lure before dipping it into the Deft. This will also sometimes cause the paint to crinkle up. Figure on drying time between coats of paint - about a min. of 3-4 hours...until the lure is no longer tacky...but fully dry. Give this a try and I think you will have better results with the Deft for a final coat. You can coat the lure 2....3...or more times for a glass like really smooth finish too. I usually sparingly.....again....sparingly....use a little fine steel wool and rub the plug down good between coats of the Deft dip. Steve
  9. Hi, Sorry for the delay in responding....... I do not turn my lures when using the Deft Wood Finish on them for a final clear coat. I dip them and then hang them to dry. 2-3 hours drying time is good...then I use a med. steel wool to rub them off and smooth them. Then another coat of the Deft by dipping......air dry again and after 2-3 or 4 coats of the Deft - you should have a good hard smooth coat built up and the lure (plug) should be ready to add hardware and fish it. I use them to fish for myself, and I also sell them online - either on my website or on Ebay. Steve
  10. I use a product called Deft Brand - Clear Wood Finish - Gloss Brushing Lacquer....only I dip my wood plugs into it. usually one dip is all that is needed unless you have used sparkle or net or foil...then 2-3 dips will do fine. Got mine at Lowe's for $ 10.00 a quart, and have already dipped perhaps 150 plugs into it, (I suppose 1 quart might well do 200 or more plugs-depending upon the size of them (my plugs are 4 and 5 inchers)......and I am now down to about 1/4 of the quart left...now have to use a spoon to spoon on the dip when the lure is held above the can. It smells some, (not bad though) and will drip a little...so use a paper plate or similar to catch the drips. Give it a try. I think you will be pleased with it, as a final clear coat. Steve in Missouri
  11. I am interested in your items- props and screw eyes. Would like to see photos of same...and need to know your asking price. Steve
  12. I might be interested in your wood plug blanks. What sizes are they....how long, weight, style, etc. And photos would really help.....plus the price you are asking. Thanks, Steve User = stevenwxly
  13. Removing old paint from a plug: To remove paint from a wood plug ( have not tried this on any plastic plugs - it might melt them) - put the lure into a glass bottle ( I use an empty- widemouth bottle of Pasta Sauce from the grocery store)...after eating the sauce. Put a couple of ounces of unleaded gas into the wide mouthed bottle - don't need to completely cover the plug...as you will put the lid on and shake it up to completely coat the plug..... Allow it to sit and soak for a couple of hours...then take out the plug and get some Ajax or other scouring powerer and an old toothbrush ( hard bristles work best) and then scrub the plug with some of the gas from the bottle under the water spout in your bathroom sink.....walla ya - it will remove all the paint from your plug down to the bare wood...with a little scrubbing. Lots cheaper and cleaner than trying to use regular paint remover...that stuff costs about $ 7.00 a can...and is somewhat dangerous to use. Hope this works for you......Steve
  14. Hey I am a professional lure maker - Little Bit Lures - and use a one coat clear coat called - Deft Wood Finish - Gloss Brushing Lacquer. I got it at Lowe's , or Home Depot should also have it. It runs about $ 10.00 a quart can, and I dip my lures in it to finish them. Sometimes just one dip will do the job....other times I will dip them and allow at least 3-4 hours to dry, then redip them another time or two. The quart can will do perhaps more than 100 plugs. They also have a similar made by Minwax at Wal-Mart ( about $ 12.00 a quart) but I have not used it, so don't know how it does....but the Deft stuff above works great and give a smooth, hard, and durable coat for your (wood) lures. After dipping your lure hang it up on a drying rack and put a paper plate or something under the lure to catch the drips. It will drip a few drips for a few minutes before it starts to set up. Your lure should be fairly dry in about 2-3 hours.....but wait some longer before redipping for a second coat. Good luck....hope this helps you. Keep making those lures........
  15. Kris, I have a little tutorial on my web site on how to paint a nice Rainbow Trout pattern....Google for Little Bit Lures and you will find it. I used to mainly use an airbrush outfit, but now use mostly Rattle Spray cans of paint and can paint a Rainbow Trout in about 10 minutes with some drying time in between, and I think they look pretty good. I've been making lures longer than 30 days obviously...but never sold any of them....just made them for myself and friends to use. Now that I am retired (public school teacher) - I started selling them just about 30 days ago and have now sold around $ 500.00 worth in the last 30 days or so on the Ebay auction, so my hobby has now turned into a nice little part time business. Good luck, Steve
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