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Everything posted by paskeeter

  1. I havent posted on this website in a long, long time. During an internet search on Solarex it brought me here and I just want to say thanks to all of you who have done the research and were nice enough to post your results. Looks like I'm going to pull the trigger on this stuff. Oh, and I haven't seen it mentioned but the lamps used for curing WILL give you sunburn and are VERY damaging to your eyes as well as skin. Use proper protection, please.
  2. D2T is already tried and proven. I've thinned it with DA for coating lures and it still dries hard and clear. You can get it from Tower Hobbies online. I got 4 9oz bottles.
  3. We need an update on the new DN. Is there a release date?
  4. I use 2 separate syringes but was trying to solve the question at hand for the person wanting double syringes.
  5. paskeeter

    Popr Eyes

    I sand off eyes on any that have em molded. I use a sanding disc that chuck into my cordless drill.
  6. Hmmm? Is there any reason why we can't just make our own? Epoxy two syringes together then something to bridge the plungers???? Seems like a quick fix.
  7. I don't post much here on TU but have to add my 2 cents on this thread. I've been painting for about a year now using D2Ton for a topcoat and find it very time consuming. Just when I was ready to take the next step and get some DN it was no longer available. I am looking forward to the new DN for 2 reasons now. One being it sound very user friendly and Mr. Nite himself. If he is willing to post here and put out samples, working with his customers as he did to me that shows he is a stand up guy and I will gladly use his product.
  8. Yes it is a predator blank. They are nice, easy to walk and subtle.
  9. Been a member for a month or so I think. Never posted before today. I started painting a month ago and thought I would share some of my paints. Sorry for the sub par photos.
  10. My very 1st post. Just painted this during the week and had great success thismorning with it. The photo washed it out a little, it a bit darker. Its mostly translucent with a white belly. Back - Black over Dark Green over Olive Sides - Light Olive Lateral Spots - Black over Olive Belly - White Throat - Red Top Coat - Dark Green, Pearl, Chart and Copper Flake added or mixed into 2Ton
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