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Everything posted by FishingRaptor

  1. Looking to see if this is doable? Something like you see on a Norman Gel-Coat. Thanks for any info. Chuck
  2. DTL, I use two different rods, one for grass and one for trees. The grass rod is a 7' Hvy loomis crankin rod, for tree fishing it's a 7' Hvy Lami Glass. The Loomis can snap grass off the crank(DD22), while the lami is too parabolic for grass fishing, it shines for crankin trees w/enough flex to prevent tearing the hooks out of a fish that hits close to the boat in shallow water situations. Hope this helps! FishingRaptor
  3. Looking for the large figure 8 line ties like the ones found on the large mudbugs! I have order the ones sold by Barlows, Stamina and Netcraft and none are close to the size on the 1 oz mudbug. I even mailed PRADCO and they could not help me! Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! FishingRaptor
  4. FishingRaptor

    Cracked Mudbug

    ahhhummmmm, not me ...lol
  5. FishingRaptor

    Cracked Mudbug

    Ben, very nice.......lets make this the last MB you paint and post .......lol
  6. I use lead flashing from Home Depot/Lowes, cheap and easy to get....... FishingRaptor
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