i personally did not like createx paint. i thought it was tough to clean the brush and sprayed too spotty. i called Iwata and asked if they had problems with createx paints and they said for whatever reason it didnt shoot good thru their gun. they said not to use water to thin because it would "spiderweb" a bit. they recommended the transparent base as an additive and i tried that. i noticed a small difference in all colors except the opaque paint. i painted a lot with it, but nothing beats solvent base paints.
I did try the Createx Wicked Colors, which is their higher end paint and i liked that a lot better, but still had to clean the brush constantly. even with the "airbrush cleaner" it would take a lot of cleaner to clean.
ive been using HOK and will never go back.
i dont want to sway your opinion in any direction, its all preference and learning process, but nobody posts too many negatives about createx perhaps because they havent tried anything else.