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Everything posted by fisho74

  1. Cheers for the reply guys. Ive never heard of the devcon stuff before, not available here in Australia that i know of anyway. Interesting idea about applying them before the cure, might have to try that. regards Darren
  2. Hi guys, Ive been making banana head spinnerbaits for a little while now. My question is in relation to the eyes. Ive been buying the typical stick on jobs from wtp but they have a tendency to lift off of the powercoated heads. Im selling these in a shop that i work for but need to come up with a better way. Does anyone have any better ideas on what i could be doing to create the eyes? Or at least stop them lifting? regards Darren
  3. Ok, so its a special powder paint and not a technique that is used to make it?
  4. Hi guys, Im fairly new to powder coating and was wondering how to get the 'veined' look using powder coat on my jigheads? Ive seen some pics on other forums on the net and it looks awesome. regards Darren
  5. Would also like tutorial please cadman.. fisho74@outgun.com cheers
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