i just started as well. my molds were home made. i used resin..the cheap stuff from wal-mart. and a bread pan form the dollar store (3 for a buck) mix the resin and pour, as it starts to thicken up i add placed 4 trick worms on top and another i used 5 finesse worms. mold works great and produces great baits. i did not buy any kits, i order a lil plastic (dont go big atleast a gallon) a couple colors and a cople glitter. buy all separate and get stuff to amke the colors you use the most.
1) in the end it is cheaper to pour your own...starting off it is not lol
2) answered above. rtv works well, but i couldnt get it to come out how i wanted. the resin is perfect
3) starting cost depends on how much you get lol. a gallon of calhouns is like 29 bucks. and if you get alluminum molds they go for anything from 30 + my first two all. molds were a 4" 10 cavity stick bait (120 bucks) and a 3.5 kickin frog (30 something) stick was from del-mart and the frog was from bear.
4) here's my numbers...1280 4" slim stick baits from a gallon. 256 3.5" frogs from a gallon.
5) i started off with calhouns soft. you can add salt and softner for stick, leave it be for tricks and finesse worms and trailers. most people use med for frogs, but i'm using soft and they seem fine to me.
for more plasces to get info try our bearbaits.com and del-mart.com each have forums and everyone has good info. i know on bear's you get more replys quicker *hint