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Everything posted by nedyarb

  1. A couple thoughts here. I live in NE and catching schooled up bass chasing shad is not real popular. I am guessing the rig will work under the right situation. But have never tried one. As far as modifying a sinker mold I don't have one to modify! Would alumilite resin work for the body? I have made one from pvc and will try it out this spring, before I go getting to crazy on this rig.
  2. Danggit!!!!!Now that I found that I think I want one!
  3. Was it this one? http://fishingskirts.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=99&products_id=1116&zenid=324223cc4b9a4cc07bdec985fa0f6a23
  4. Great video......as far as the second one. I just use a pair of vise grips to hold the tag ends of the wire. Bed ahook like an ", and put it in a hand drill. Put the nail through the loop and pull on it. Works great!
  5. That is an amazing video Hillbilly made.......I would love to see how he made the molds!
  6. nedyarb

    Foil Tape

    Where are you? Ace hardware sells it, but its thick tape.
  7. I'm confused. It seems like you are being sarcastic about buying from China. Yet you posted a link so people can buy a bunch of Chinese KO's. I am not trying to start a debate. I am just wondering if the website you posted I a legi place to buy KO's?
  8. Hobby Lobby carries airbrushes! I google "hobby lobby coupon" every time I go there and use the 40% of coupon. If you have a phone you can just show them the coupon on your phone!
  9. What kind of airbrush? I have an iwatta neo, it blows little bubbles by the tip also. I have used pliers to tighten it and it still does it.
  10. I am pretty new at airbrushing too. But I have found some creatix paints I need to reduce. Most of them shoot fine but some I add a little future shine and water. Rob
  11. I read ya loud and clear. However the scale works better for me. I started using it 8 months ago and have not had one batch of bad baits. Even when I was using the settled resin and the yellowed hardner. I tried the syringes and medicine cups. But the scale is hands down the easiest!
  12. I take it back 1.1 grams hardner to 1.0 grams resin. Either way I havenever had aproble when using a scale.
  13. I meant to say 1.1 grams of resin for every 1.0 gram of hardner
  14. When I bought the new bottles I measured them on my harbor freight scale. I don't remember the exact numbers, but it was about 264 grams of hardner and 230 grams of resin. So when I weigh them to coat a lure I use 1.1 grams of hardnr to 1.0 grams of resin. And it works really well, even when I was using the yellowed hardner it worked fine.
  15. I am no etex expert. But I read a post on here about a year ago, that said the hardener would yellow after it sat for a long time. I had my old bottle for a year and didn't notice how yellow it really was until I went out and bought a new bottle. The new etex hardener, is only slighty darker than the resin. Also, I went to walmart and bought 2 clear ketchup or mustard bottles with caps. They are super easy to dispense the proper amount of the hardner and the resin. I found trying to pour the exact amount sout of the original bottles to be difficult and really messy! Plus they only cost .97 cents.
  16. You can make those small jerkbaits for pretty cheap. I use azek pvc and a wood carving knife. I bought at Hobby Lobby. I like the pvc, because after you install the hangers and the lip, you can find out exactly how much weight you need to get it to sink or float to your liking. Rob
  17. I bought a 32 oz kit last year, and mine has done the same thing. The hardener has turned yello, and the resin has white clumps that sank to the bottom. I used it to coat 50 or so baits like that and never noticed a differece. I di just buy some new etex this weekend, and was surprised at how yellow the old hardener had actually gotten.
  18. nedyarb

    Eye Screws

    An easy way I have found to twist my own screw eyes is this. I use .041 wire. Cut a piece about 3" and fold it in half. Put the two end pieces in a vise, or vise grips. I get a straight 1" piece of a coat hanger and bend it like a 7. Put the coat hanger in a drill, and slide the tip of the coat hanger into the loop. Turn on the drill andpull away from the vise. It works great and its fast.
  19. Patience!!!!!! And practice!!.......I started with a 20 gallon compressor that I had bought for other use. Air brush, water trap for compressor. Air brush hose. A top coat, etex or devcon work good.....and patience, and practice.
  20. Mark, will probably answer your question. But I use it and just spray primer right on the PVC. It looks good.
  21. This I just my opinion. I started with a harbor freight airbrush for 17.99. It works good and I still have it. Buti bought an Iwata Neo 2 months ago from Hobby Lobby. I used a 40% coupon and got it for 40$. IMO the Neo is much easier to use and clean, and is well worth the extra 20$. I have tried using both brushes at the same time and it really des not make things any faster. The top feed Neo I super easy to clean between colors, and sprays good.
  22. I always go into the garage with the greatest looking lure all painted up real nice and shiney. In my mind at least. And then I turn on the air compressor, and BOOM! Something else happens, sometimes good sometimes not so good.
  23. Probably rubber bands, that's what I am guessing!
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