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Everything posted by nedyarb

  1. Thanks LaPala, it looks like it can be done. I think I will try one out of pvc first. For the rattles I think I will drill 3 holes straight through the sides with a drill bit, put a couple lead shots in each one, and cap the holes with a piece of an aluminum beer can, to make em loud. Thanks all, Rob
  2. I used a motor from a broken microwave. It would turn 20 lures easily. I only have 10 spots on it now though.
  3. I have the dual action one in the first link. It has worked well for me, however I don't use it much because it is a pain to clean after each color sprayed. And since I only do a couple baits at a time its a pita. I would recomed the one on ebay as it looks much easier to clean between each color.
  4. I am on 3g cell line, and it has been blazing fast lately. Knock on wood.
  5. Has anybody had success making a rattle trap? Either out of wood or pvc. I was considering attemting it but would like a little advise on what is needed and what to avoid. Thanks Rob
  6. Obviously that is a flat sided bait, which is a lot easier. On the round ones, I just cut the JT foil quite a bit smaller so it does not wrinkle as much.
  7. I bought some last week and have tried 5 or 6 lure. My first attempt was to do the whole lure on a curved balsa bait. And it would not work. I have found that the foil really sticks best to regular foil. So I just stick cheapo foil to the bait first then attatch the JT foil on top of foil. I am using loctite spray but it also worked with 5 min epoxy spead super thin. This is a crappy pic of one I did
  8. I have a scroll saw that I bought off craigslist for 20$ it does a great job and hae been very happy with it. A band saw would be my first choice if money was not an issue. But the scroll is a great tool!
  9. Drill works great!!!! I use a wire twisting tool my grandfather gave me 15 years ago to start the lop, then put the lop in the drill and the loose ends in a press, and lik stated pull up on the drill or the wire will kink.
  10. Just wondering out loud here, but what would be the benefit of a variable speed turner? I would think the topcoat would just sling off if you went much more than 8 rpm. Rayburnguy, I'm not saying your coocoo or anything like that, I am just curious if someguys use high rpm turners. Mine goes really slow. Rob
  11. What do you guys use to sand around the lead? I would think the would be a large bump around the wire eye.
  12. This is a little off topic, but I wanted to share how I sand my lures. I have drill press, so I cut a 1.5" piece off of a broom handle and glued a piece of sand paper to it. Drilled a 1/4" hole right in the center, and put a bolt and two nuts on it to attatch it. And it works amazingly well andit costs about 50 cents to make. Rob
  13. Save your money, and buy Dels 5" top pour stick mold. It is the same size as a GY stick. And you won't need an injector. IMO the injectors work best with multiple molds, but if you only have 1 mold it is a waste of time. Rob
  14. I have tried to make a couple divided cups with no success. I would suggest starting with a two color, before jumping into the three color. JMO. I tried it with a aluminum pan and jb weld. But I didn't apply the jb very well, and the pan got way to hot so I trashed that one. Good luck
  15. So your saying since I didn't like it I have no common sense? Bottom line, its not the most user friendly injector out there. There is nothing built into it to keep the cap from shooting off, like a pin or a screw on cap. He asked for opinions and I gave mine. I have not owned any other injector so I can not speak for their product. I do not run a business and I pour for my own enjoyment so for me it did not work.
  16. Same here, on Bears injector. I bought one with the start up kit. I used it for 2 months and sold it. Its too hard to control when evacuating the plastic and I am not reall sure why you can't make it so it screws in. I shot the tip off about 50 times and finally just gave up, its easier to just pour from pyrex. Eventually I will buy a different one from another supplier. Rob
  17. Here is the pic, and by the way, I know Pitbull personally so I was just busting his balls!!!
  18. Someone posted a tutorial on how to make cheap inserts, and there pic of the swimbait looked absolutely perfect. So I bought the same mold and attempted to pour the swimbaits. But I have had the same problem, if I don't pour enough plastic when it cools it sucks it in. If I add too much I have to trim a lot of excess. I'm guessing there is a learning curve on when to sop ouring. I have tried pouring a lot of plastic and the placing an aluminum mold over it. But I still had a lot of flash to trim. Oh well, I will keep experimenting. I will look for the pic of the swimbait. Rob
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