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Everything posted by nedyarb

  1. Hobby lobby sells 4×4×16" balsa
  2. Yep...i just called them and ordered over the phone
  3. I love this mold....looks super real. And catches fish.
  4. I looked at your facebook page venutian lures. You have some very nice lures you have painted.
  5. I tried the rustoleum brand that the guy ssid replaced gst...so far I like it better. Dries in just a couple hours and is much more durable.
  6. Sorry...but I think this whole thing is silly. I can see being upset if someone is signing your name on their lures. Other than that who cares. You cant claim that your paint job is one of a kind! Anybody can paint a lure whatever pattern they want
  7. I have a two cavity 7" doit ringed worm mold. Sells for 129$ yours for 85$
  8. I have a 5 " dels yop pour I will sell you. 45$ shipped to your door
  9. Coleman mosquito head net
  10. Something in super glue is 100% toxic! Cover a balsa bait with it and take a whiff. It makes me cry if I get to close to it.
  11. Yes...its loctite blue puddy stick. So far it has held up fine for me
  12. Ive seen a video on youtube where a guy puts a 2x2 block of cedar into the side n of a machine and 10 or so blank cranks pop out. It was crazy.
  13. Nice info....I use the blue and white putty to modify my molds. It sets up in 10 minutes.
  14. Hobby Lobby sells bsi 30min and 5min
  15. If your just pouring, i would try using the glass blasting media sold at harbor freight. For 1 cup of plastic i had to use 1/2 a cup of salt. I only use 1/4 cup of blasting media which makes mixing a lot easier and it suspends in the pplastic better.
  16. I bought 3 cranks off ebay that were supposedly Sissons. All three swim horribly. So i decided to examin one of them. There is no belly weight! Ive never seen a crank without a weight of some sort. It appears to be cedar. Any thoughts?
  17. First off don't hold me accountable if your microwave sparks. But so far im happy with my results. I bought a piece of galvinized flashing at home Depot. Its black on one side and gray on the other. I melted 2 cups of old remelts in a 2 cup anchor cup. Then cut the cooled plastic in half so i could trace an outline onto my flashing and then cut it with tin snips. I used 5 minute jb weld clear epoxy, to glue the flashing to the cup,but added a couple drops of black plastisol colorant to hide and flashy metal. Heres the result and no sparks in the micro. It makes more of a swirl than a laminate but I think cooler plastic might work better. Good luck
  18. Im happy with dakota, unpainted, bustin, and predators. Ive bought the straight from china blanks and they were horrible.
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