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Everything posted by jnurn

  1. I just finished my first set of jigs painted and everything and I think I found a new hobby so many options. I would just like to hear where you guys get your supplies from I got my first supplies from Gander Mountain but I know that they are not always the best place to get stuff from because of their prices. Who has good prices and good customer service on molds and other supplies? I also was woundering your thoughts on using wheel weights and if not using them where to get lead from I posted the same question on the hard bait forum and was told this was a better place to ask this question. Also I was told if you order lead through the mail you may have to pay a extra Haz. Mat. Fee anyone run into this? Any help would be great.
  2. I just finished pouring some jigs for the first time. I had a good time doing it Kind of relaxing. But I had a few not so good pours but quite a few good pours. My question is on the jigs that did not turn out so good is there a way to get the lead off of the hooks and reuse them or is it to much goofing aroud to worry about. My other question is most of my bad pours were the lead not getting all of the way to the bottom and covering the the hook am I missing something or do I just need to except that not all pours will work. it was mostly my small jigs that did not workout. would there be fewer bad pours with a bottom pour pot right now I am using the pot with the heating attached to the bottom (I can't remember the name but it is a popular lead melting pot. thanks for the help.
  3. I am woundering where I can get lead cheap. I have heard some people use old wheel weights but I have also heard that it is hard to get good finished jigs because it has other things in the lead. I think I could have a good supply of lead if I used wheel weights. if I can't use wheel weights where is a good spot to get lead. The other question I have is about fluxing lead. How important is it and what's the easiest way to do it I'm getting that you heat the lead up and then just throw some wax in it and skim the junk off of the top, is there more to it or is that about it.
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