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capt mike

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  1. No. I have had bad luck with this approach. Maybe some people can make it work, but why risk it? specifically, I’ve sprayed a rattle can silver on a bait. Days later sprayed transparent createx over it. looked fine but it scratched off super easy.
  2. I have used createx and Golden paints together with no issues. Im wondering if there are others who have had success with other acrylic paints, specifically opaque white in conjunction with the above paints. I Spray my basecoat white with a larger spray gun, so I need much larger quantities. Wondering if there is a more economical paint option without sacrificing quality.
  3. Wondering if anyone else is using glass cabochons for lure eyes. Ive been painting them with success but want to try photo images. Concerned with water attacking the paper backing. Wondering what sealing/ glue methods have brought success.
  4. Who has the best price on bulk eyescrews? so far Janns has the best price ive found.
  5. Really sad to hear this. I remember communicating with Rayburn Guy several times. Always offered help and information willingly. God bless him. Big loss to this community.
  6. Im using plastisol and adding hardener accordingly: I was using flex 70 and flex 60. The tails bend in storage and ruin the action of the lure on a glide bait.
  7. Anyone know where I can find specs on Rogue Rod blanks? Tip and butt diameter, power etc. I have a few MB blanks and BB blanks but no info to order components.
  8. Took the trigger assembly out and reinstalled. Now it works. All good. meanwhile; I ordered the parts anyways and another Iwata Revolution just cuz.
  9. I think I have a trigger issue on my Iwata. When I push down, air does not flow at all. cleaned it thoroughly and tried another compressor. Same thing. Wondering if there is a fix or if someone has dealt with similar issues. I recently soaked the brush in the createx airbrush restorer. Wondering if I burnt an o ring.
  10. Are these guys still in business?
  11. Man, absolutely coat the foil with clear coat or one of the spray coatings such as transparent base or 4030 balancing clear. That’s what it’s for and thinner than epoxy. I prefer epoxy to cover the foil edges, then paint. Good results. trying to spray transparent colors onto raw foil...not me. I’m not careful enough.
  12. Well it showed up in pieces with no instructions. Any videos out there? I don’t want to plug it all together backwards.
  13. Thanks, I ordered a 3 gallon. 1/3 hp.
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