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Everything posted by Flatfish

  1. Thx for the feedback everyone. I hit them with another coat tonight so we'll see what happens tomorrow. All this because of stick on eyes -- geesh. I think it'd be easier to start painting them on! Thx again!
  2. I have 72 swim jigs that look like this (see attached photo)........Uugh! My questions: What causes the epoxy (I used Devcon 2T 30 minute) to "seperate" like this, leaving "holes" in the coverage? I was mixing small batches of it and painting 12 or so at a time before it would start getting to "sticky" to apply right. Is there something you can do to actually get the "30 minutes" of work time out of a batch? It seemed like after 5 or 10 minutes it wasn't manageable any longer. Also, the brush I was using started to stiffen up about 3/4 of the way through. Should I just use disposable brushes and throw them out every 20 minutes or is there a trick to that too? The most important question -- fixing these jigs -- will another coat cover the "holes", or am I going to have to sand these down before applying another coat? Thx for any help on this, and for hopefully helping salvage these jigs.
  3. I'm going to have to agree with basskat on this one. I'll throw all different sizes, colors, and head shapes based on what the conditions dictate. About the only thing thats certain for me is that if I'm night fishing, there's a 95% chance the major color is black or dark blue and if I'm skipping docks I prefer the arky head.
  4. Thx basskat. The head is powder coated, so is putting epoxy just over the eyes an option? I generally don't epoxy my jigs -- just powder paint and bake, but since this one needs eyes, it's creating this confusion for me. I've used D2T on crankbaits I've painted and know it makes a huge difference in the appearance of the paint, so I didn't know if the same would occur on jig heads with powder paint if I just hit the eyes with it. Since you mentioned the super glue on the weed guards.........I've been having an issue with some of them coming out when I've gone that route. I don't know if it's because I'm not getting them in fast enough, or not using enough glue or what. Is it common to have a few failures with super glue, or am I just botching the job somehow (I've been using the super glue gel if that matters). Thx again for your reply!
  5. I poured and painted a few swim jigs today that also use stick on eyes. I've stuck the eyes on and know that they need to be epoxied in order to stay on, but now I'm at a loss as to which way to go first..... If I epoxy the head next, I'll need to put a base pin back in the weed guard hole and obviously don't want the pin to get stuck. I reverse tie all my skirts so epoxying the weed guard in right now isn't an option. If I tie the skirt next, then epoxy the head and weed guard in, I'll have to worry about the epoxy running toward the skirt and ruining the whole thing. How do y'all do this? Do you just apply epoxy over the eyes and not cover the entire head? Any help would be appreciated as I'm kind of stuck trying to figure out the lesser of two evils here... Thx
  6. I just finished putting together my first order with them and was about to checkout when I read "please allow 2 - 4 weeks for delivery". I'm wondering if that is an accurate statement from them since I've never done business with them. I guess I've gotten spoiled with all the online vendors getting orders to me in 2-3 days instead of 2-3 weeks so this statement kind of shocked me. Does it really take them that long to deliver orders? Thx in advance.
  7. Thx for all the feedback. I've cleaned the spout multiple times and have fluxed the lead as well. I would say it's the mold, but I've used this mold in the past without encountering these issues. Guess it's time to try the ladle and see how that goes! Thx again for all the suggestions.
  8. I had issues today pouring shakey heads that I've never had before. The lead was setting up before filling the cavities. I've read through prior posts on this issue and didn't come across anything that I didn't try. I cranked up the heat on the pot (9), I heated the hooks & mold, and even tried the candle soot trick. No matter what I tried, I continued getting incomplete pours. Roughly 75% of them were junk. Ordinarily I purchase pure lead from rotometals, but went the ebay route on my last purchase. I can only assume this lead is harder than the pure lead I normally purchase, but could that cause this? I've used the lead to pour arky and brush jigs with no problems, but these shaky heads just didn't pour well at all. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thx!
  9. www.bassfishin.com has a decent video on tying hair jigs too.
  10. Have you tried Devcon 2T (30 minute, not 5)? It's what I've used on cranks in the past and just used on some jigs for the first time yesterday (Thx Cadman!). I'm assuming it would be just as effective on spinnerbaits. Good Luck.
  11. I recently purchased a few "knockoff" clear crankbaits to paint myself. Once I got them painted and rigged up, I was excited to get them wet and see how they did. Needless to say, they looked good tied to my line (nothing like some of the paint jobs I've seen on here I will admit), and sailing through the air on the first cast. It was once they hit the water and I started cranking that I became more than a little depressed. The action was horrible. I thought that perhaps it was just that one, so I tried another, and another, and another, etc. All in all, I threw 8 different baits -- deep divers, shallow divers, and even a couple of topwaters and none of them had even close to the same action as the "knockoff" bait. All but the shallow divers action might have been classified as adequate, but not close to what they were meant to mimic. My question is, is this common? Are the "knockoffs" just meant to "look" like their more expensive relatives, or should the action they impart be similar too? I'm not trying to throw anyone under the bus that makes/sales the knockoffs, which is why I'm not listing the names of the baits or where they were purchased, I'm just trying to figure out if my expectations were too high, or if there's another issue I'm not aware of. Thx in advance for any wisdom you may share on this.
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