well after about a year of making ,carving, baits , and making pop molds, i finally got the purfect deepwater jigging lure, (thing i must own the pop supply house(. i have bought a airbrush ant createx paint, and have been pratcing like crazy , cant seem to get the scales and stuff to look right, all the youtube stuff makes it look easy. harder then it looks. the nice think with createx is i can paint , remove and paint,again, if i dont seal it, and try diffent thinks, is there anyone here that can share there "s0ft plastic" painting ideas and tricks,
would it work if i painted my base coat with the spike it plastic paint then use the createx?
createx, transparnt, pearl, or reg, which is the best paint type ,
please any help and pics and vids would be great, we need a vid section on just painting soft plastic,
The ninja,