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Everything posted by fordtech5

  1. VPI is the way to go,,, wear a full mask, and paint outside,, wicked smell!! but worth it!!
  2. TONY, I live in Windsor and buy my most of my supplies from Ontario,, I get my plastic and hardener from plasticworld.ca they are in Toronto 49 bucks a gallon, Canadian.. I buy lots of stuff from luremaking.com ..Hepworth, ON ... not far from you , they don't take paypal which is a bummer and you have to call them to order but they are great to deal with and also in Canadian funds.. if you ever come down to Windsor to fish .the walleye run in april, or muskie in the fall I can show you my set up.. and some pointers.. or you can p.m me for my number and I can help ya out with any questions..
  3. What is everyone using to clear coat there soft plastics after paining? Dipping into soft plastic won't won't work for me. As lure is to big..
  4. wow very interesting, I have tried resin molds before without any luck.. this might work perfect .. thanks very much I will trybthis next time I need a mold, whaty resin do you use? bondo ?
  5. Well I pick-up the vac-50, here is my quick report 1 pain in the ass to get mixed well and get clump's out, before mixing the parts together.. 2. mixing together was easy 3. poured into mold box let set for two hours, demolded back side, mixed another batch and pored into the second part.. 4. after waithing overnight I opened up mold, WOW worked great, few little flaws in in the pour, but this stuff is sandable , and seems like soft aluminium.. drilled out my pour hole , and poured my fist 8 inch Muskie lure, all I can say is very impressed with my first effort.. 5, does as advertised, cannot beat the price,, I will be using again, 6, I am using soft plastics , plastisol..heat was fine!!!
  6. Has anyone tried this vac-master 50 stuff? its cheaper then silicone,, looks really cool, here is a link, thoughts? I will order some and see how nit works..
  7. thanks for the help! I will keep looking , for someone to pay to get this done for me, much to frustrated to continue, with mold making,
  8. i have tried the home brew silicon , I have bought mold making silicon on line, tried many different companies,, I get air bubbles, don't mix enough and don't end up having enough, cant get a proper parting line and such.. I have tried resin mold , and the like, just cant get it right, very frustrated!.. I really would like to start pouring before spring, not rubber , but hard resin lure body's for musky.. from alumilite.. alim
  9. Hey guys/girls, I have been trying to make a silicon mold for a lure I have made, spent lots of cash, trying to get it right, so I started looking on the web for a person or company that can make me one, but cant seem to find any, I will pay cash to get one made, I have given up spending all my money on silicon and not getting it right, its about 7 inchs long 3 inch's tall and less then 1/2 inch thick. I live in Ontario Canada, please please please point me in the right direction, or a person that can help!! I will be pouring resin blanks, Rob
  10. Just got mine tried it on a wood blank to seal . Wow fast put out in sun 55 here today, cured in 4 min!! Alittle overcas but cured fast... cool stuff very little waste and the best part no mixing and spinning!
  11. fordtech5


    Well the weather is starting to cool here , and will have to move my stuff into the house, was thinking of bitting the bullet and heating my workshop/garage, its attached to the house, what do you guys use for heat, gas,electic, wood, whats better, and cheaper?
  12. i sent ya a pm , i am also in ontario
  13. Windsor factory supply ha it in all sizes. if you live in southern ontario..
  14. I have searched around on the site, i see there is many companies that make aluminu,m molds, but are there, or does anyone know of a company that will make a custom 2 part silicon mold. Rob
  15. well after about a year of making ,carving, baits , and making pop molds, i finally got the purfect deepwater jigging lure, (thing i must own the pop supply house(. i have bought a airbrush ant createx paint, and have been pratcing like crazy , cant seem to get the scales and stuff to look right, all the youtube stuff makes it look easy. harder then it looks. the nice think with createx is i can paint , remove and paint,again, if i dont seal it, and try diffent thinks, is there anyone here that can share there "s0ft plastic" painting ideas and tricks, would it work if i painted my base coat with the spike it plastic paint then use the createx? createx, transparnt, pearl, or reg, which is the best paint type , please any help and pics and vids would be great, we need a vid section on just painting soft plastic, Thanks The ninja,
  16. i live in ontario, and order my from the usa, and never had a problem,, Rob
  17. i ordered mine , no problem got in about 4 days, two gallons, med and hard with shipping 79 bucks,, great price .... this stuff is GREAT windsor ontario
  18. i use this company, in canada, they are worl wide, might be worth a shot http://www.alumilite.com/Dealers.cfm
  19. i use this company, and i see thet are also in oz http://www.alumilite.com/index.cfm http://www.alumilite.com/Dealers.cfm
  20. how big should the "sprue " opening be?
  21. Hi Everyone, yes i am a newbie! ,, i am just learing, my kids and i are having fun making our own pop molds and carving and making clay forms to copy,, my probim is i never seem to fill the entire mold, (two piece) and the plastic stops flowing in the fill port,,, i have tried adding a air bleed also and still cant get a full fill,, these are 7 inch fish molds , any help would be great!! The Newbie
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