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  1. They are calling it a "Trailer Enhancer". Then they say "this exclusive feature is a copyright of Black Angel Jig Co".. Wouldn't that wording be directed to the long skirt strands?
  2. I have a question about copyright. How can a person put a copyright on a jig for leaving a few strands of skirt material long? For several years I have been leaving a few strands long on my jig skirts to give it a little extra appeal. Yesterday, I was going through the website and came across a jig company that pretty much did their jigs the same way. The name of the company is or was Black Angel Jigs. Can you put a copyright on a jig for leaving a couple of strands long? I got the idea when War Eagle and Strike King stared leaving a few long strands on spinnerbaits. If there is a copyright on leaving a few skirt strands long are they not infringing on this companies copyright? Also I assume the copyright would come under art. If so then wouldn't allow anyone to put a copyright on any color jig to keep anyone else from using it by calling it art work?
  3. gdowney

    Poly Bags

    My bad guys. It's 14.95 per 1000. Sorry.
  4. gdowney

    Poly Bags

    Is there any place cheaper to buy poly bags than Jann"s? 3"x4" are $14.95 per 100.
  5. Thanks everyone for the help. My problem was my pot needs a good cleaning.
  6. Thanks everyone I'm learning a lot. I never checked the temperature either. I set mine on 8 or 9. I will try and find some kind of probe for it. I use to make plastic baits and I know some guys put a thermostat on their Lee pots for plastic to keep the temp where they needed it.
  7. I may have come across some of my problems. My lead was dripping out instead of pouring out. I always held my mold tight against the pot and didn't see until last night. I took my pot apart and cleaned it last night and it was pretty dirty. I have been buying my lead at ebay what is supposed to be 99.9% lead and clean. Do any of the suppliers that support this website sell lead? I like to support those that support this website. Also do you still have to smoke your mold if you are using Frankford Arsenal? Thanks.
  8. On the round weedless jig Eakins or Jewel style jig I am using what the mold calls for 32798 Mustad hook in 4/0. The spacing looks the same or even all around the hook. On the football head mold I am using a the heavy wire Mustad 32798. I am only using the 3/8th's and 1/2 oz. With the hook in the cavity's the hook is riding close to the bottom side of the jig above and below the collar. The hook does touch the mold at the bottom side of the mold where the head necks down towards the collar. For the 32796 the length from the bend to the eye is long and it is pushing the hook to far back. I just got these hooks, the others that I used I didn't have this problem. Is the only cure JB Weld?
  9. I am using a bottom pouring pot and I am holding the mold tight against the pot thinking the same thing, that the lead was cooling down. Didn't help any. The only place that I am getting a void is the backside of the hook no place else. I am going to try pre-heating the hooks the next time I pour and see if that helps. I am pouring in a building that I keep the heat off when I am not using it. With temps around 0, I sure the hooks are cold and cooling the lead down before it gets into this tight area. Thanks.
  10. No that is one thing I have not tried. When I am pouring and get started I am inserting the hooks as soon as I pull the next one from the mold. I'll give it a try thanks. I have a small hot plate and I maybe able to use it for pre-heating the hooks. Again thanks.
  11. I only pour football heads and weedless roundhead jigs. For the football jigs I use 32796 4/0 hook and for the roundhead jigs I use the 32798 4/0/ hook. When I pour my jigs the lead does not completely cover the backside of the jig leaving the hook exposed between the head and collar with the collar being OK. And then the hook exposed again from the collar on down. I have tried pre-heating my molds to the point where you have to wear gloves to hold onto them and I have also tried Franford Arsenal Drop Out and wax to flux the lead and still have this problem. I have also turned my pot heat wide open and kept my pot and mold as close together as possible and still get the same results. Is there something else that I need to do or is this common with Do-It Molds?
  12. So far it is brown, watermelon and green pumpkin.
  13. Thanks for the info. I will find a file and try it. The buff wheel works good and fast but costs to much.
  14. Thanks Cadman. I had to quit making jigs for a couple of years due to the declining health of my mother. I am now trying to restart again. I didn't know if the shelf life, if there is one may have been the cause or not. My powder paint is pushing two years old. I polish my jigs using a Dremel tool and coarse abrasive buffs. They do a good job but you run through them pretty fast and that can get costly. Could you tell me a better way of polishing jigs. Thanks.
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