It sounds like this got blown out of context if what they are doing is sponsoring conservation projects, as afisherman I am all for conservation. The "Anti" part comes from the talk of closing some areas to all fishing. This was prcaticed with great success in a few reef areas around New Zealand, the then fisheries minister was a bit of a pioneer in this area. Reefs rebounded very quickly to former natural stocks.
It is a sad reflection on the state of some of our formerly great fisheries if this now has to be considered. It is also a shame that the recreational angler gets caught up with this. In the UK where I am from, I have witnessed a Charter Skipper force an angler to throw back a 20lb plus cod, becuase he would face a $30,000 fine if caught with it on his boat. We all knew the cod was dead as it had been winched up from the deep, we all watched it as it floated away on the tide. We have had many Cod bans and bans on catching sea bass too.
I still don't see why the pleasure angler has to get cought up in this though.