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SHK last won the day on May 28 2012

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  1. not at all Bob, i have been reading AND comprehending your posts. cant say the same for you though LMAO
  2. not claiming he invented anything at all Bob, and no one has claimed that either, nice of you to actually read the posts before shooting your mouth off
  3. All Kajan did was post a fact, and this is your response? who is walking and quacking like a duck?
  4. i didnt think you would be able to show me an injector. I USED to have a lot of respect for you Bob, for the insight and knowledge you brought to this forum.
  5. Simmer down there buddy. you are coming off with the im better than everyone attitude, who came up with this "fanboy" thing any way? kinda makes you sound like you are in 7th grade. prior to Bear releasing the hand injector and injection molds the only options we had were jann's injector (which has been proven to be quite harmfull) and plastic molds, or using a meat injector, grease pump, cattle syringe etc. it wasnt untill Bear released the hand injector that the average hobbiest could afford to get into injected baits plain and simple. Show me where a purpose built relatively safe injector (not Jann's) was available to the public at an affordable price (similar to what they sell for now) and publically available and affordable CNC injection molds before Bear brought them to the market and i will bow down to the all knowing soft plastic king of TU. this has absolutely NOTHING to do with an affiliation with Bear, i buy some colourants and flakes from him, but i buy just as many from LC as well, i have molds from Bear, but i have molds from BT and Del as well. I get all my molds now from a local machine shop, i buy plastic direct from the manufacturer, so no, being a "Fan Boy" as you so immaturly put it has absolutely NOTHING to do with it. i just have no problem giving credit where it is due.
  6. Who's commercially available plastic injector and commercially available injection molds were you using 30 years ago?
  7. No, Kajan wasnt saying that in any way Bob, Bear was the first to bring a commercially available hand injector specifically designed for injecting plastic, he was also the first to make smaller injection molds available to us (others had made them for customers but Bear was the first to bring them out as a stock item) if you re-read Kajan's post Bob, that is what he is saying, he said nothing about Bear being in business 30 years ago.
  8. the rage tail line of baits are heavily protected and strike king arent to shy about sending threatening letters to those they "think" might be infringing on the design.
  9. thats because he has phased out the twitchy's Steve.
  10. if you go to bears forum and do a little reading you will find out that the vendor that used to cut his molds (hinged) is close to retiring. in anticipation Bear bought a CNC and has slowly been replacing the hinged molds with his own cut in house. he probably hasnt had time to make a 4.5 - 4.75 super minnow yet.
  11. core's are all done from the nose (the core colour runs through the entire bait, not just the tail ) and are very possible with our injectors, just takes a little searching on the various forums. made by hand, with a single injector, in Bears 5.5" Lizard and Brush Bug molds, single cavity.
  12. it is possible to do a core shot in hand injection, it is very hard to get consistancy from bait to bait. the worms you posted are mass produced using very large molds specifically designed to handle core shots, injected on machines specifically designed to make core shots. best advice i can give is to find a single cavity worm of a similar design and do some searching on core shots at BearsBaits.com and have at it.
  13. SHK

    Gel A Lure

    in the time it takes to heat the plastic in the mold to solidify it i can make over 100 baits.
  14. when talking to a couple people about an injection machine from LW i got the impression it would be a more affordable scaled down version of a Zorn. there was talk of around a 10 - 15 thousand dollar price tag
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