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Everything posted by SHK

  1. my first guess would be that the plastic wasnt mixed up properly/enough
  2. Del has ripped that one off pretty good. and i dont believe there is a patent on the chigger craw
  3. SHK

    Craw Molds

    Try Bear's Baits and BassTackle. both have a good variety to offer
  4. will also dissolve certain types of paint, strip the colour off the countertop etc
  5. its not the fact that you guys are saying you dont need to mount the pot, it is the fact you guys are potentially telling who know how many new pourers and people contemplating pouring that should they have an accident that they shouldnt be pouring in the first place. it is that kind of attitude that will ruin this forum.
  6. whatever, you completely missed the point
  7. honestly guys, all we are trying to advocate is a little safety. If something can go wrong chances are that at some point in time something will go wrong. To flat out tell someone that "if you have an accident and spill some plastic on yourself you have no business pouring in the first place" is rude, disrespectful and arrogant ! Anyone that can come in to a forum like this where it is touted as the best learning resource for soft plastics and tell a bunch of potential new pourers that if you cant be careful enough to not have an accident pouring then you have no business pouring should not be allowed to post here period ! Is it ever a bad idea to protect yourself from potential 3rd degree burns?
  8. must be nice to be as perfect as you
  9. no sarcasm at all, i do hope it gets resolved
  10. you completely missed my point all together!!!! Oh well, i am not arguing any further about this. Good Luck getting it remedied, i hope it gets dealt with quickly and to your satisfaction.
  11. i understand that and that is not what i am saying. i am saying as a business owner i would want to see that there is actually a problem with the product, and i would want it in my hand to see what is needed to ensure it doesnt happen again, also to ensure the customer isnt just trying to pull a fast one to get some free products. would i replace the product at my cost including shipping, absolutely, would i give away free stuff if didnt have a chance to see that the product actually had an issue or the chance to correct the issue, no. im not saying Cormorant Lures is trying to pull a fast one, im just saying that in my opinion he should have let Bear have the opportunity to replace the stirring unit.
  12. return shipping should be on the seller unless it was the buyers error. if it was me selling i would have refunded the cost of return shipping and replaced it. anyone could just call him and say my stirring motor didnt fit right but i "fixed" it, would you mind sending me some free stuff in return. i would want to see that it didnt fit right before giving things away.
  13. no offence, but i would either, in my opinion it kind of makes it look like you were bitching just to receive a few freebies. proper thing to do would have been to let him fix it. first thing i do if i have an issue is contact the seller/manufacturer to see what can be done.
  14. i usually mix 1:1 with their retarder to thin and extend the pot life. spray through and airbrush and clean it with their thinner. i have several cans of their clear just to use to mix a little hilite powder in it, otherwise the clear isnt needed. i dip all of my swims in clear plastic after applying 3d eyes. locks in the eyes and makes the paint pop.
  15. 2 i have in the shop are 440 dead nuts on.
  16. shipping sounds about right for a nearly 500lb barrel of plastic.
  17. i would add colour and softener (if applicable) first, turn on the pot and the stirring system, when you think its ready hit it with an IR Thermometer and check the temp, if its there i would add salt slowly, then flake and scent. let it run a few min and check the temp again. once its where you want it start pouring, the first little bit would be a wad of salt in the nozzle, so i would crack the valve with a cup under it, once clear i would start filling molds. every time you stop to demold you will have to clear the valve as the salt will settle in there. always check the temp with an IR Thermometer, the temp controls arent the greatest for accuracy. i tried to pour sticks around 330 checked with the thermometer.
  18. very well could be the issue, get ahold of Bear and get a replacement set of o-rings. i usually use a dab of softener or worm oil to clean and lubricate
  19. i got in just in time to get that same pricing powerworm, and was told it was increasing in a week or so at the time. so i am expecting a light increase in cost but will freak if its 40%.
  20. 40%????? no way they increased the price that much. thats the price it is being sold for from a reseller, call calhoun directly and find out.
  21. SHK

    Hired Help

    if you have someone in there that doesnt quite understand what is needed quality wise in the end product how much is that going to cost you? you have to worry about someone elses idea of a quality bait. safety liability etc... you will have to decide if it is worth the risk. me, i would be looking at ways to make my process more efficient thus spending less time making the same amount or more baits.
  22. Call and ask. (706) 629-9077. the last 2 drums i received were billed and paid prior to the latest increase so i couldn't tell you what the cost is no.
  23. YES!!!!!. 1. Hot plastic and water DO NOT mix. 2. hot aluminum and cold water usually equal warped aluminum.
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