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Everything posted by SHK

  1. anything oil based has a chance of working, STAY AWAY from water based colours like acrylics.
  2. if its too green and needs to darken up ad a drop of blue at a time to see where that gets you.
  3. LC watermelon straight up, fine gold and purple
  4. seeing as you have to bake the mold at 350 to get the plastic to set, and plaster deteriorates somewhere around 230 or something like that i wouldnt advise it.
  5. if you are after a 2 pc injection mold then Angling AI is the mold you want. http://www.anglingai.com/product_p/dsm12.htm
  6. i wouldnt use any lubrication at all on an aluminum mold, it isnt needed at all. as long as your second colour is hot and you hold pressure for a few it should work out fine.
  7. ive tried them and prefer 3d eyes from bogs, LC etc
  8. try med/hard to a hard compound.
  9. i wouldnt put anything on the blank half, in my experience it isnt needed and just creates problems.
  10. just use the resin hardener. im thinking the same as louie there
  11. http://www.bearsbaits.com/525-SUPER-MINNOW_p_289.html
  12. only suggestion i have is mix the resin 60/40 with body filler, it will reduce the shrinking. i would be concerned with using a hard master with a hard mold as well.
  13. do a search here, been discussed many times.
  14. who is it and what plastic are they dealing?
  15. there isnt anyone. gotta buy from the US
  16. i dont heat any molds, and in fact i try to keep them cool rather than warm. Denting happens when the supply of hot plastic solidifies before the bait cools. then as the bait cools and shrinks and doesn't have anywhere to draw fresh plastic from and dents. most of the times it is the gate area in an injection molds that does this.
  17. the video is of Frank, not Bob.
  18. Bite it, if it tastes like salt, it probably has salt LOL
  19. that is the root of the problem, the gate is closing off and hardening before the bait is cooled off.
  20. in my opinion i think it isnt vented anywhere near enough.
  21. SHK

    Custom Mold

    nope, and i doubt you will either unless you let the mold be sold publicly. I have heard Del-Mart state that custom molds (through him) start at $800. Custom molds are not cheap what so ever, there is a lot of design and programming time before you start cutting metal.
  22. posting a couple pictures would help greatly to determin the root issue and proper action to take.
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