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Everything posted by SHK

  1. ^^^^^ he makes this mold MonteSS LOL
  2. Angling AI. if he pokes his head in here again he will be joshimotoson on here.
  3. in some cases yes multi cavity molds are the way to go, i have some singles and i would not trade them for the world, they take longer to heat up than my multi cavity molds do and thus i can get more baits out faster as once the molds start getting hot it takes longer for them to set enough to remove. stick molds i want 5 - 10 cav molds (mine are all 5), there are some creatures i have that are 1, 2, 3 and 4 cav. when the 3 and 4 cav get hot they can take a min or 2 to demold. where this wouldnt be a problem would be if you had enough molds that it allows a couple minutes between the time you shoot it to the time you get back to de mold it.
  4. why is it a pain, i find it easy, but i dont use that formula. i use: 3 Cups Calhoun Soft, 1/4 Cup Softener, 1 Cup Super Fine Salt. i weigh them out and get very consistent results. when you fill your injector, cycle it 2-3 times before you fill your mold. place the injector so the tip is at the bottom of the plastic, fill, then discharge it, fill it, discharge it, fill it and discharge it. that will stir up the flake and salt good.
  5. no i dont, here is what i meant, http://www.tedpella....html/115-31.htm I would get # 115-53, dont order the syringe needles. clean them with worm oil or something similar.
  6. you use a plastic syringe body without the needle, childrens medicine usually comes with them for dispensing. thay come with a cap. i would use the 10ml one, pull out the plunger, put the cap on and fisure out how many drops are in a ml, and then re-work all of your recipes. the post you saw about weighing it was probably from CarolinaMike, he wasnt using colourant as we get it, he was using the raw form that comes in a paste like consistancy, and you need to wiegh it then mix with a little plasticiser.
  7. how long was the plastic cooking in the pot? some colours are touchier than others as well.
  8. ummmmm, look again, that isnt a sweet beaver, its a knock off of some sort. who makes that bait monteSS
  9. if you retail direct through a website and make all of your baits to order Frank, you eliminate the over head of having to stock everything. that way the only baits you are making are those that are selling.
  10. i understand, but you have to watch as its the ridge that is patented, they dont care how it acts. again, im not saying your in trouble or anything for using it, just be careful posting lots of pics of it.
  11. looks good. just to clear up a common myth, whether or not you sell a patented bait has no bearing on whether the patent holder can legally make you stop. just the simple fact that you copy the bait is grounds for lawsuit. im not saying you are violating a patent, as i have no clue if there is a patent on the bait, i just thought you should know. the craws in the second pic, watch because strike king has a very similar ridge patented for their rage craws.
  12. every run, i weigh one from each mold and every bag.
  13. call the supersoft and be done with it. i use Calhoun Soft for all my baits and have yet to have a complaint.
  14. i wont refrain from responding. never once did i mention you shouldnt have an exhaust system, but a compressor and booth are not needed. no air conditioning and heat isnt necessary, our summers here are frequently in the 90's and winters in the negatives, and i still after several years producing baits and building my business do not have heat or air-conditioning. so no it is not a necessity but a convenience. i never did say either that it was inexpensive either, and yes paypal charges a percentage, i would rather pay the percentage once to paypal than a percentage to the CC processing company, the CC companies percentage and the cost of the software. it honestly sounds like you are trying to scare someone from starting up a business by stating you need a bunch of stuff that isnt necessary to conduct business.
  15. my reason for injecting is i get just as good a consistency as i did pouring them with a presto, and i doubled my production with the same number of cavities. i found i could shoot and demold alot faster with injection.
  16. injection is hands down faster, aim for 10 molds, that will allow 50 baits in a single run. inject at a low temp and slow speed, that works best for me (310 or so) yes you can use the presto pots, lots of people do. you can get quite a few molds shot before you have to turn the stirrer back on. get 2-3 extra tips for your injector that way you can just swap to a clean tip instead of waiting for everything to cool enough to break the injector down and clean. get a LARGE injector if you are doing sticks, you wont regret it last is this will open you to laminates
  17. just looking at your example there were plenty of ways to make it profitable, and it starts with buying in volume. instead of 5 gal of plastic at a time, shell out the initial investment and buy by the drum (doing just that i cut my plastic costs in half including shipping), buy colours in larger volumes (pints or quarts) flake by the pound, salt by the 80lb bag, scent by the gallon. if the business is there why not save some money.
  18. what does it matter what weight he used, its an example, the formula is the same whether you use a half pound, half ounce or half a gram. it is a hypothetical example.
  19. here you go MonteSS, this was all just hypothetical to give you an idea as to how to figure out your costs.
  20. SHK

    Shad Shapes

    that works for me, and Josh, im not saying you are a shady person or doing business in a shady way, but thats the way it comes across to me in that post. it would be nice to see you come on as a site sponsor sometime.
  21. SHK

    Shad Shapes

    it is a little different when the person pointing out the mold is the person that makes the mold. that is my opinion, sorry you dont like it, i never once asked you to agree with it.
  22. SHK

    Shad Shapes

    no i wont lighten up, its shady a shady way to sell your product. before becoming a site sponsor, one of the companies owners (no names) did the same and was banned.
  23. SHK

    Shad Shapes

    nah you dont know me, but the first thing you should know is it dont look good on yourself to plug your own products, and i dont believe its allowed as you are not a site sponsor (i could be wrong)
  24. SHK

    Shad Shapes

    i like the way you just plugged your own product there btw, when you gonna update your site with new molds?
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