Thats what I'm looking for. Skirts Plus sells wholesale. has a few Finesse series that I use but other colors that I would like to have they don't offer unless you buy 5000 tabs of one color. I have no problem buying by the hundred but i can't use 5000.
Smalljaw I'm looking for fine cut silicone. It's the same material D&L uses to make the Baby Advantage jig and it's a little different than Skirts Unlimitid. D&L gets it from Skirts plus. I like what Skirtsunlimited has but they don't carry the colors I need. To get a color there is a 5000 minimum order.
I did a search on skirt material and saw several people talking about Rat Trap Bait co. Reason I ask is that I need fine cut silicone in colors that fishing don't carry and living don't carry unless you buy by the 1000. I would be hard pressed to use a 1000 of any color. I don't mind buying by the hundred. Just wondering how Rat Trap sells.
Just got my first Collins mold in the mail. Man what a great looking mold. Its a Flat eye stand - up jig 1/4 to 1/2 oz. I almost hate to pour lead in it. This thing is made with close tolerances. Going to have to take Andy1976's advise and get some graphite for a release agent.
I thought about trying to modify it and put in a wire keeper but i almost don't trust my Dremel tool abilities. Can't wait to pour my first jig.
Thanks for the reply Apdriver. It would be for my use and not production. Yea I know what slow pour time is. I modified a round head mold to from a 90 degree hook to take a flat eye hook for shakey heads and I also make my on spring coils. It takes some time to make the jig heads but i enjoy it. Its fun to catch fish on something you made.
Looking at this mold on EBAY, I think it may be a Shawn Collin's mold. Its the Freshwater Flateye Standup jig mold 1/4, 5/16, 3/8, 1/2oz . Anyone have this mold and how do you like it?
Look at dalmation 071 faded blue. I have been using it and really like it. I would say its pretty close to a translucent blue. Looks better in hand than in the picture.
I'm guessing you are pouring a jig head that you want to use something smaller than a 1/8 inch weed guard. The skirt band takes the place of the base hole pin. The hole in the skirt band will allow you to insert a small nail the size of the mono, floro you want to use as a weed guard. Stop the band even with the top of the cavity and extend the nail into the cavity. Pour you jig head and pull the nail out. That will be the hole for your weed guard.
Hope this helps
Use a small nail and insert it in a skirt band. Stop the skirt band flush with the top of the mold cavity and extend the nail. This will create a hole to glue in your weed guard.
Compared to deer hair how much finer is goat hair? I want to tie some longer big white buck tail jigs for ledge fishing in the summer. Places I've looked at that sells it says its 6-8 inches long. Do you think it would work or is it to fine?
I used to tie hair jigs years ago but was never really to good at it. I think I've watched everyone of smalljaw's youtube video's and have leaned a lot. My jigs today look a lot better now than they did in the past.
I have made molds with water putty and it works pretty well. One word of advice though. Make sure it is 100% cured(dry) before you pour or it will spew lead like mine did.
Thanks guys for your help. The more I look at the jig color I'm trying to get it appears to be just candy purple. The sheen may just be from the head not being top coated.
With all your experience with powder paints I thought I would ask you a question. I want a green pumpkin jig head with a purple sheen to it. Would putting a transparent candy purple over the top do it?
I use Living Image 395 (one and a half tabs) and add about 8 to 10 strands of dalmation 381 (burnt orange) and a few strands of purple.
Makes a good looking bream.
What's the best way to bend hooks. This is what I want to do. Take a straight shank Gamy or Owner worm hook and bend it to fit a flat eye jig mold. Reason being is I want the same hook style as the Gamy 5491 or the Mustad 32796.They have a bigger bite and shorter shank than say the Gamy 614.
The worm hooks are also a little smaller in diameter.