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Everything posted by bassnbrad

  1. Ok, Ashow of hands... Who's gonna be fishin' on the 1st?

    1. Clint M
    2. anamealreadyinuse


      Me and my son will be! Hoping to start the new year off with some keeper Reds!

  2. I like the plug designs, they look good. Have you thought about temper coloring yet? You could add some really kewl designs and colors with a micro torch.
  3. bassnbrad

    Reef Digger 013

    Pretty kewl design, what did you do the bending with?
  4. Sweet! Guess I needs to paint up somes dem white perch! Thats a Purty one!
  5. bassnbrad

    Minnesota Smallie

    I needed a little more color for the northern smallies, and this is what I came up with.
  6. bassnbrad

    New Smallie Design

    Nice pattern G. Seems Great minds think alike!
  7. bassnbrad


    Well hell Clint, I'd surely throw that thing! Never mind about the hindquarters, I got some real purty 5" minners to chase that thing around!
  8. bassnbrad

    Bluegill 3

    Thank you sir!
  9. bassnbrad

    Bluegill 3

    A little difference goes a long way...
  10. bassnbrad

    Bluegill 1

    Just playin' with some different schemes.
  11. bassnbrad


    At least one of these are going out in the "Secret Sander" package, are you enrolled?
  12. bassnbrad


    Came out Great! I'd be proud to put that on the wall with the medals. Nice job.
  13. bassnbrad

    A Few New...

    Carp, Bass, Shad and Seed, What other colors, do you really need? Tight Lines All!
  14. If you are able, it would be interesting to hear/read updates as to your findings and studies. Tell you what though, if ever there was a group of individuals to ask questions about the dynamics of this "HOBBY" this is a great place to start! Good luck, bb
  15. bassnbrad

    C032600 [800x600]

    The danged bait keeps starin' at me! Sweet paints!
  16. I like Ed's idea ... "Stencil Momma (you2rob ) gets 51% voting and audience get 49%. After all: 1. Nobody should ever mess with a momma. Try messing with a momma bear or skunk and see what will happen to you, And if you are providing a prize then you ought to get most of the say. 2. The rest of the vote tally get done by audience just to balance out the results.
  17. bassnbrad

    sunfish bait

    Very Kewl design. Too bad to lose it, but at least it caught a fish first.
  18. Hi Y'all, Okay just to get the ball rollin' on your idea... 1. To keep it fair across the board there should probably be 3 classes. Just ideas here. a. Most realistic b. Most original c.The Wackiest 2. The contest can start immediately, and run till maybe mid January. You can post one picture in each class in the "Hard Baits Photo Gallery", and everyone label the picture in the class. Something like this, say I post a picture in the Realistic class it would look like this... "Stencil Contest Realistic bb". Then to search the contest entries you would just search for contest, or stencil contest. I say run till mid January so if someone has not ordered yet they have time to order, receive it and paint/post your picture. 3. It should be where the voting starts on the last day of the contest entry period, and runs for a week. To vote you would choose the photo in each class you like and just type in "my vote" in the photo gallery. You can only vote one time per class and cannot vote on your own picture. The photo with the most votes per class wins. The first place in each class wins the same prize each, and the person with the most votes in all 3 classes wins the Grand Prize... 4. We can keep it " Bumped" up to the top of the board so everyone see's it.... Just some ideas to kick around, Good Luck to all!! bb
  19. It depends on the effect you want. If you want a subdued bar effect paint your bars first then your scales. For a really nice effect paint your bars a deeper shade, then mask with your scale material, paint your scale pattern then with your scale material still on go over your bars again with a lighter color... Really makes your bars look 3D.
  20. The easiest way to get the color shift highlight I have found, is to mix a tiny bit of pearl pigment of your color choice in your topcoat then apply to your lure. When I say a tiny bit, I mean That quite literally. I use a needle and dip it in the pigment then tap it on the edge of the mixing cup. One or two dips is usually more than enough. That way you are just tinting your clear, not coloring it. Make sense? When that coat dries if you put a second coat on it really deepens the effect and gives it that deep wet look.
  21. Nope, haven't tried that, but will. Thanks... As far as the DN, yeah the no drip back is a big waste, and as far as the setting up, I use wine preserver now. A lot cheaper than "Bloxygen" in the long run, but with the same results. The only issue I have with it anymore is the wrinkling when I try rushing multiple coats.
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