Hi Y'all, Okay just to get the ball rollin' on your idea...
1. To keep it fair across the board there should probably be 3 classes. Just ideas here.
a. Most realistic
b. Most original
c.The Wackiest
2. The contest can start immediately, and run till maybe mid January. You can post one picture in each class in the "Hard Baits Photo Gallery", and everyone label the picture in the class. Something like this, say I post a picture in the Realistic class it would look like this... "Stencil Contest Realistic bb". Then to search the contest entries you would just search for contest, or stencil contest. I say run till mid January so if someone has not ordered yet they have time to order, receive it and paint/post your picture.
3. It should be where the voting starts on the last day of the contest entry period, and runs for a week. To vote you would choose the photo in each class you like and just type in "my vote" in the photo gallery. You can only vote one time per class and cannot vote on your own picture. The photo with the most votes per class wins. The first place in each class wins the same prize each, and the person with the most votes in all 3 classes wins the Grand Prize...
4. We can keep it " Bumped" up to the top of the board so everyone see's it....
Just some ideas to kick around, Good Luck to all!! bb