Good suggestions one and all. I as well as many others on this site sell through Ebay. You Can try the Tackle shop, I would try a hand full of lures through them anyways. A couple of things to think about, as CatchingConcepts says if the lures are of quality they will sell themselves. You will need proper packaging, one to protect the lure and second to promote future sales. When someone buys a lure that catches fish they look for that same packaging on the shelf or the lure itself online. Secondly, Quality hardware, nothing downgrades the lure like cheap hooks and hardware. If I was to try production style lures as these I would put some type of name on them... ie... your initials, your store name or initials, or some type of marking showing them as yours. Once the packaging is thrown away, and a person catches fish on them they can find your products that way.... You may want to look at the link below to get some ideas... Good Luck and best fortunes with it.