Next are your sealing options, or lack of as I like to say. Unless you are pressure treating wood the are no realistic gains in sealing wood except for grain raise. If you dip a bait in lacquer sanding sealer 1 time thats all its going to do for you. Coat number 2 is just build coat. Remember this, HOOK RASH ! You stop water from the outside to begin with. You cannot ever stop it with sealer. I tested moisture in bodies at 0.0, sealed them 3 times with different sealers, let them hang in 72% moisture for 48 hours and they all tested above 12.6%. Gary at Solerez supplied his uv sealer. I like it purely because I know that it is dry when i want it dry. Lets face it, we are encapsulating a piece of wood, it likes to breathe.If you dry it to as near 0 as possible you will have no bubbling problems with any of your other steps. Here's how to do this, dehydrate, seal twice,dehydrate, get 1 build coat on quickly. I use Solercure light system. Dennis is a super Guru of lighting that is the most affordable to us. Other light systems start at $16,000.