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Everything posted by biggun

  1. Ive got a PEAK X3 siphon type and this weekend it started blowing air back into the paint bottle, its still blowing out the tip but blowing bubbles in the bottle and wont spray ive cleaned it soaked it and it still want spray just wantes to blow air out the tip and back in the bottle.
  2. does anybody have a recipe for a "tequila" color, ive never seen it and have somone that wants me to pour some. I think it must be an older discontinued bait color. thanx for the help
  3. I was goin to add my thoughts but I think they have all been covered.
  4. I would have to agree with jim on this also, ive had severalguys whom have fished the tourney series for years tell me many times "give me a white and a black worm and il cautch fish"
  5. I get mine from U LINE they are 6mil and the zip locks clamp like a vise
  6. Ive got an hand pour similiar to that its one of bears kodiak craws and ive poured quit a few in it, the only time the claws didnt fill was if the plastic wassnt hot enough.
  7. Ive got one of the abu vendettas with an quantum PT on it and I love it
  8. I got one of there open pour craw molds awhile back and this thing is nice!
  9. I think its great for the kids i have a 4yr,5yr and a 8 yr old all girls that already build there own spinner baits but always want to help dad with the plastics but there s no way i can let them in the shop when im pouring 350 deg plastic, This could be a way i could introduce them to it And it would increase what the boss lady lets me spend on molds
  10. biggun

    Trick Worm

    Ive got several of dels flat sided trick worms,once i got the hang of over filing them a little they were much better. But im partiall to. That 6.25" worm in bubble gum is on the money around here in the spring.
  11. This is no longer tackle making this is an sickness. Im going to my sickness meeting now. To the man cave! I just keep repeating one more pure and il be cured. One more pour and il be cured. . . . . . . . . . . . .
  12. But yet it dosent say a synthetic coffe flavor
  13. I think by useing a synthetic coffe flavor or scent it would be different then and actual coffee ground into a lure. By doing so there would actually not be any coffe present in said bait,either ground in or present on the exterior.of said bait.
  14. I buy mine in five gallon buckets and mix it with an paint mixer and a drill for at least 15-20 min. Then i just break it down into gallons and quarts, depending on how many pours I have to make that week. Ive been thinking about buying some of the gallon paint cans the tin ones and an old paint shaker then after I break it down from 5 gallons into 1 gallons i could just toss it in the shaker for a few mins and done. Just a thought.
  15. There is a ton of them on ebay
  16. biggun


    True most soft ware will have to be converted to an DXF file to send it to the machine. Our CNC plasma is like that.
  17. biggun


    I use CAD to design all my targets and have done some 3D models of some baits, all i use is CAD so im kind of partial to it.
  18. I set my molds on the edge of the bench that way i can get closer with the cup, still have a little scisor work but not as much as holding over and pouring.
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