Thanks for the replies guys!
Tater...what do you figure makes the lip hard to tune? If you already been down that road I trust your experience and I'm not going to mess with it I'm just curious. I thought about trying the lexan, I actually even bought a sheet, but putting the line tie in it would require going to a through wire bait which I was trying to stay away from. Maybe I should that consider that too? If you look at the picture below it will show you how I have been making my cranks. Screw eyes and circuit board lips. By changing the lip angle, size and shape I pretty much have the water column covered from super shallow down to around +/- 6 feet, maybe 5 feet? I saw the lips from janns and thought I could get the same bait deeper with that style lip. It seems to me that unless the line tie gets moved out from the nose of the bait out on to the lip you'll never get the bait to run any deeper. These lips looked like a simple solution?