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Everything posted by pieterbez

  1. Do you have a pic of this carp color bait
  2. Looks like Sparkle Violet to me https://www.ispikeit.com/product/831/sparkle-violet-4223-hexagonal-cut-0015 Any idea on the color for the top of the bait. also working to match this color
  3. Went to their site to order the single cavity molds and found a 5 cavity mold which will work for laminated baits http://baitmold.com/plastic-bait-mold/multi-cavity-mold/mold-v25-5-cavity-38-inch-95-mm-separate/
  4. Thanks Guys Will order the single cavity molds to be able to make laminates.
  5. Hi Guys does any body know if you are able to make laminates with the 4 cavity swing Fat impact mold http://baitmold.com/plastic-bait-mold/multi-cavity-mold/mold-v25-4-cavity-38-inch-95-mm/ Have the spin cat mold and can't make laminates with it.
  6. Each bag cost me $0.188 per bag for 5000 bags. This includes the $280 plate (Once off Charge. Don't pay this again) charge plus $220 shipping They quoted me $0.057 per bag for 10000 bags
  7. https://toppackhk.en.alibaba.com/productgrouplist-800477288/Fish_lure_packaging_bag.html?spm=a2700.8304367.prup15aafb.19.6ba397455vSpBp Contact: Vivian Fong very helpfull and quick reply to mails.
  8. New Packaging from China which is being delivered on Monday. took 5000 bags to start of with first Price $0.088 each Plate cost $70 x 4
  9. Hi Guys Can anybody help me with Yamamoto 956 color. Watermelon Copper/Orange Red Battling with the orange color any help will be appreciated.
  10. Thanks Guys Will look into the molds and order for Lurecraft.
  11. Hi Guys I need to find out which mold is being used here Hook is a 5/0 Gamakatzu hook Any help will be appreciated. Thanks
  12. Hi Sam Where do you get the Fuscia Glitter from
  13. Found this one on Basstackle http://www.basstackle.com/10_BT_Stick_p/1003-kj-2.htm
  14. Ultra Molds has a 3.75" http://ultramolds.com/product/twitchy-minnow/
  15. Already had reply from her. Just waiting on the price. Agree on the great service
  16. Been looking at that one. I need about 15 cavities and at $89 for a 2 cavity molds that hurts, plus shipping to South Africa. Will contact April to find out about a production mold.
  17. Do you guys know which company makes the closest copy of the Z**M Brush Hog. I have Bobs winged hog, but customers wants a proper Brush Hog mold. Thanks
  18. Sorry forgot to ask if it will make a deference if you spray the whole mold
  19. Thanks for the video Do you know how long the coating will last and is it viable to use this method if you want to produce baits on a large scale for sale
  20. I do have a packet of the baits. will try what apdriver said
  21. More a brownish Hi-lite. Not sure how to get it right
  22. To all the guru's of soft plastic. any help will be appreciated I need help to match Zoom Tennessee Shad. The top color is giving me a headache. It has a sheen to it.
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