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  1. bass2

    mold for sale sold

    I have a custom made worm mold for sale, makes great baits. 50.00 plus 6.00 shipping walleye123@lvbw.net
  2. bass2

    mold for sale sold

    I have a 13 inch cc mold for sale. used once. 45.00 plus 6.00 shipping walleye123@lvbw.net
  3. bass2

    mold for sale sold

    I have a 13 inch cc mold for sale. used once. 45.00 plus 6.00 shipping walleye123@lvbw.net
  4. Does any body make the hot n tot lure bodies??? I have looked cant locate
  5. bass2

    worm coloring

    I have a bunch of worm coloring for sale, most are all full just a few drops out of bottles. there is also 2 jars of glitter, silver and fire cracker, the silver is 1/4 full. 30.00 plus 7.50 shipping.
  6. bass2

    presto pot for plastic

    It does have the valve in it, I put the valve in it from bears.
  7. bass2

    presto pot for plastic

    I have a presto pot for melting plastic for worms for sale. 35.00 plus 8.00 shipping. contact me at walleye123@lvbw.net
  8. I have a caney creek craw mold and a bt skirt mold for sale used very little. 80.00 shipped craw mold 40.00 plus 5.00 shipping skirt mold 40.00 pluse 5.00 shipping
  9. bass2

    aluminum worm mold

    Price dropped to 50.00
  10. bass2

    aluminum worm mold

    Price reduced to 75.00 quick sale.
  11. bass2

    aluminum worm mold

    the body is 4 inches total length is 6 inches thanks
  12. bass2

    aluminum worm mold

    I have a one of a kind aluminum worm mold for sale, I had this special made you wont find one like it, it is a senko style worm with twin tail. Makes a great bait, just dont have time to use all of my molds. Moving on to other things.
  13. bass2

    3 ---- 7.5" Bears U-tails

    pm sent send I will take one send me your email. Randy
  14. My paypal email is therealdinsane@hotmail.com if you wanna send an invoice for the injector

  15. bass2

    Dels injector

    Have a dels injector for sale shoots real good.
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