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Everything posted by Ishitaro

  1. Ishitaro

    Body Roll

    Finally got around to finishing this up and posted a pic in the gallery. I sent it to my dad in FL so hopefully I'll be able to post another pic here soon of a smoker King Mackeral. Thanks so much for all that helped! Ishitaro
  2. Ishitaro

    7" Cigar Minnow

    This is a 7" Cigar Minnow I made from PVC. I had a hell of a time getting it to swim without the body roll. But after trial and error and help from the members on TU I finally got her to swim perfect with little to no body roll or head shake. It weighs 2.2oz and has a nice head first sink. I sent this off to my dad in florida who fishes for King Mackeral. I left the tail off on purpose to make it more aerodynamic on the cast. Let me know what you guys think. Thanks again for those who helped. Ishitaro
  3. Ishitaro

    Body Roll

    Thanks to all that helped me out with my body roll issue.
  4. Ishitaro

    Body Roll

    Let's try this again.
  5. Ishitaro

    Body Roll

    Thanks for the help guys. I thought I had more video's, but apparently not. Sorry for the shotty video footage I was by myself and only had my phone to record. This is how it swam originally with a tear drop shape, vertical ballast in the 1st, 2nd, and third sections. You can clearly see the body roll so bad that you can even see the hook hangers. In this clip I tapered the swimbait more from the front to the back, as well as, from the top to bottom and included a ballast weight in all sections. I'm happy with the way it turned out with very little body roll and little to no head shake. Thanks again!
  6. Ishitaro

    Body Roll

    Actually I did perform a video test after each change I made, but can't figure out how to post them on here. Mel
  7. Ishitaro

    Body Roll

    Ok, so not settling for failure I examined my bait a little further and decided to taper the bait a little more, this time from front to back. Also, I added a small ballast weight in the fourth section as Vodkaman had theorized and Viola! Success at last, it even has little to no head shake. So, at this point I can't pin point if it was the weight in the last section or tapering it from the front to the back. I took a short video I will try to post up. Again, big thanks to all that helped! Mel
  8. Ishitaro

    Body Roll

    I appreciate everyone's help on this build as it has not been easy to eliminate the body roll. I used PVC and the bait measures 7" in length and is 1 3/8" tall. This is what I have done so far and what the results were. Test #2: Tapered sides to be more flat and and removed 3rd ballast weight and tested with hooks this time. Results- Still had body roll, but sank at a faster rate. Body roll subsided when burned through the water. Test #3: Removed old ballast weights and installed horizontally and flattened, maximizing the distance from the CoG. The first ballast weights were inserted vertically and almost touched the CoG. Results- The changes made a signifigant difference to the body roll, but still exist. I belieive with this particular bait there is not enough distance from the CoG to the bottom to fully eliminate the body roll, afterall I'm only dealing with 11/16" from to the CoG. I will continue through trial and error to be body roll free and let you guys know if I have any success. Again, thanks for all the help and support on this build. Mel
  9. Ishitaro

    Body Roll

    I drilled all of the ballast holes vertically vs horizontally making the ballast closer to the COG. Like Vodkaman said the goal is to maximize the distance between the CoG and the CoB, so I will also make this change and let you guys know how she swims. Before you know it this swimbait is going to look like swiss cheese. Mel
  10. Ishitaro

    Body Roll

    Thanks for posting the links Atlasstone that put the COG in perspective very clearly. Ok, so I tapered the sides to where they are flatter and added hooks for this test and it tamped the body roll a little, but it's still there. Now that I think about it that makes a lot of sense with what Vodkaman is saying about the tail section not having a ballast. I was also thinking about backing out the screw eyes a little to give the joints a little more play, but I don't think it will make a huge difference. I'll make the changes and keep you guys posted. Again, thanks for the suggestions and feedback. Mel
  11. Ishitaro

    Baby Shad

    This one is made of PVC and is 3" long. She swims amazing even at the slowest crank and sinks at 1' per 2 second. Again, this is a rattle can special and coated with ETEX. I test swam her yesterday and caught a 6 lb hybrid on the first cast and 2 2lb large mouth bass after that. All in all I caught 3 and missed 3 in 30 minutes..not a bad day. I noticed the bottom had a small chip in it, I guess the spray paint and ETEX don't get along. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Mel
  12. Ishitaro

    Body Roll

    Thanks for the feedback Mark. It's a slight tear drop shape. But your right, my last 2 swimbaits had flatter sides and swam great with little to no body roll. There's so many things to remember when designing a new swimbait. I'll flatten the sides, reduce the 3rd section ballast and test it with some hooks this time. I'll let you guys know how the test goes. Thanks again! Mel
  13. Ishitaro

    Body Roll

    I am building a 7" Cigar minnow and just tested it and noticed it had too much body roll. The swimbait is a 4 section "V" notched swimbait including the tail. I have the ballast in the 1st ,2nd, and 3rd sections. I predrilled the ballast holes while it was still a block so there shouldn't be an issue with having them lined up. The front section is weighed more to sink head first which it does, but I'm thinking the weight in the 3rd section is throwing it off, If I take it out then it won't sink. I noticed that when I burn it through the water the body roll goes away. The only thing I can think of is the height of the swimbait is relativly short in comparison to the COG. Also, I did not test it with any hooks and I know this could effect the body roll. I will try that next. Any comments or suggestions are welcome and thanks in advance. The test was also to see how the tail effected the way it swam. It swam much better without the tail needless to say. I'm thinking the tail section is too long. I would like to have a tail on it obviously but hate that it acts like a rudder. Again, any comments or suggestions are welcome. Mel
  14. Ishitaro

    Threadfin shad

    That's genius! Your crawdad is the shit!
  15. Ishitaro

    Gizzard shad

    Thanks for all the compliments. I learned everything off of TU so I have to give all the credit to everyone who posted the how to threads and tutorials. I've only been doing this for about a year and this is my 8th swimbait. I'm a quick learner, but like to do as much research as possible before I dive into something, expecially swimbaits.
  16. Ishitaro

    Gizzard shad

    Thanks John. I can't wait for the weather to warm up a little so I can catch a pig with it. They will only get better once I get my airbrush. It's hard to get the detail out of a spray can.
  17. Ishitaro

    Threadfin shad

    yeah, it was painful to lose her. Don't think it didn't cross my mind, but the water was too cold. I went back later when the water level was down and someone already got it...ugh.
  18. Ishitaro

    Gizzard shad

    it's a tackle box divider, a tip I got off of TU.
  19. Ishitaro

    Gizzard shad

    This has to be one of my favorite builds so far. She's made of PVC and is 6 3/4" long and has a nice slow sink. The "S" movement is tight and swims well. I don't have an airbrush yet, so I sprayed her with a rattle can, the third section kinda got messed up due to me being impatient. Clear coated with Etex. Let me know what you think. Thanks, Mel
  20. Here's some baits I made last year for my dad who lives in Florida. Top one is a hardtail, the middle is a cigar minnow, and the bottom one is a Threadfin shad. I did a different joint setup on each one. I gotta say the piano hinge swam the best but was a royal PITA to build. Let me know what you think. Thanks, Mel
  21. Ishitaro

    Threadfin shad

    This is one of the first swimbaits I made using the foil photo finish. She swam very well and had a nice slow sink to her. After the 6th cast she got hung on a tree and I broke the line...she will be missed. I learned a lot from this build. #1. Use a better clear coat. #2. Don't test it where there are a lot of submerged trees. #3. Use heavier line. Mel
  22. Those are some good tips and suggestions. I make all of my screw eyes. I was going to use thicker diameter wire, go through the eyes then bend forward into the top of the body and bondo. Vodkaman, I like the sst tube idea, and thank you for clarifying what video it was. I'll let you guys know how it turns out. Mel
  23. Hi all, I've been a long time lurker of TU and building swimbaits for about a year now. This site has really been informative but I can't find any information on joint placement in the search. I'm working on a 3 joint gizzard shad and using the hinge and pin method. Does it matter what joint recieves the eye? I want the first and third to recieve the pin, the last section will also recieve a pin. Will this effect the the way it swims? Reason I'm doing this is because I want to use the hook eyes for the pins. If anyone has tried this can you please shed some light for a noob? Thanks in advance Mel! Here's a pic of what I'm working on. Took about 4 hours to get to this point.
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