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Everything posted by EdL

  1. Oh Oh. I'm now in trouble. Ben is right about having to think about what it is you want to accomplish. Let's see let me think about........ another beer. Kidding aside I agree with Ben. You really do need to think and study (even at my age) about how to accomplish the task. Whether its selecting materials but what tools and what safety precautions working the tools and materials. There are many materials that can be used. Just use some of the info on this site and then exercise some brain cells. Who knows it may be a way to keep a few cells working properly.
  2. Check out the tutorial on http://www.tackleunderground.com/community/topic/13239-an-introduction-to-pouring-pastics/
  3. Check out this thread. It may help you find what you're looking for. http://www.tackleunderground.com/community/topic/24873-paint-that-cracks/
  4. NICE. Wish I had one. Thanks for sharing.
  5. Your right. I searched using keywords - pumpkinseed, sunfish, panfish, redear but not Nemo . And there are some guys that can flat out do some amazing work. Looks better than the real deal. I always try to use the search function before asking on a thread but this one got me. Searched the whole forum, subforum and How-to subforum. Even searched the internet on fish carving and taxidermy sites. But sometimes the key is using the right search word or words. But one thing for sure - just ask for help on this forum. There are some great support out there. This makes this my main website.
  6. Thanks Bluetickhound. Thats the one -Hazmail's Nemo Blob how to. I can't believe it was right there- D'oh. Guess my wife is right after all when she tells me to really look under something just don't pick it up and put it down. But I don't let her go near my shop. I sure enough won't find the tool I need cause I know where everything is. Thanks again.
  7. A while back Ithought I saw a tutorial or a description of how to paint those orange spots on a sunfish. As I recall it showed using a q-tip or brush to put the orange color on the bait and then maybe putting a drop or small dab of water to wash the color out a bit for more realistic effect. I've used the search on this forum and other forums till I'm thinking I must have dreamed this up. Anybody know where such a post or thread might be? Thanks.
  8. Ain't it sweet to catch a biggun on a handmade crank. Nice catch.
  9. If you will go to Solarfall's youtube site and look at the comments to the video he answers your question. Also he has other videos there too. I use windows and internet explorer so when I double click on the title 'how to scale foil' (not the play arrow) in the thread comment above, it takes me to the you-tube site of the video. Then scroll down the page to see comments and questions.
  10. Hey one other tip. Don't spend all your time on internet looking up info. Not that it is not a good thing to do Start practicing what you learn. To me it sort of like when you first learn to ride a bicycle. Yeah you can watch videos and read up on all kinds of bicycles, which ones are better than others, which ones work better for riding conditions. But if you've never rode one, you will be a little wobbly even with training wheels the first time. So go for it and keep the first lures you make and then compare it with baits you make some time later. You will be amazed as the progress. As you make baits you will hone in on specific questions and then the experience folks can really help you with specifics. Also learn to take photos and post with any questions about specific issue that you run into. It will certainly help troubleshooting. Also it doesn't hurt to brag about you accomplishments.
  11. On buying epoxy. Check out packaging to make sure 1 it says waterproof not water resistant. 2 it says dries clear. Some epoxies dries amber to yellow so it will color shift you baits. Ok if that's what you want but if you want white it won't be pure white
  12. Wrong approach not to ask questions even if you get coached. Don't give up there's lots to learn and there are plenty of guys who will try to help you. Just relax,hang in there, and enjoy the process of tackle making.
  13. Like Ben says. Not trying to hammer anybody but as I learning tackle making (and I learn something everyday) I have found the best lure making tool for me is the internet search engine and the search funtion on forums. I have 10 -yeah 10- lure/ tackle making forums on my favorites list that I regularly visit. And I manage to find them using the search function looking for specific help. I also found the tutorials or How-to sections on the various sites have cut my learning time and budget by a bunch. Also if you want to see some video's there are lots of How-tos on You tube. It amazing how much information is out there. Keep in mind whats out there may show you just one way of doing a technique. Here's another tip: If you find a particular lure builder's post interesting, check out his profile and clicking on posts. It can cut out having to scan thru pages and pages of threads not related to what you are looking for. I know this doesn't answer you questions but you will have more and more and trying to help you find many answers and opinions that are out there.
  14. Yep - a lot of time and effort has been spent to provide the information you seek on this forum. Now you want it handed over is a quick summary. Well there are lots of pages of info. And to answer you questions will take up pages. That means someone will have to take time away from building, painting and improving their buidling skill to hand feed answers just cause you don't want to put any effort into it. If you want quick results just go to your local tackle store and buy you baits. Also search out other tackle building places. Help yourself out by leaning to use search function. Now to your questions: 1. Best or common.seal - like asking what is the best car, truck of boat. The answer is what is available to you, and how you learn to use it. 2. WIre sources - google stainless wire, Since you list you area as Atlanta go check out welding supply places. 3.Opinions are like noses - everybody has one. DN is a one guy operation that has other tackle supply items besides finish. As such it may take a bit of time. If he worked all the emails he get, he wont have time to make the finish and other items his customers send order in. Several folks have stated they have slow response but eventually get their items. So if you are in such a hurry go with Devcon epoxy.
  15. Start out by using the search function on this forum and also look at the How-to-section. Many recommendations and tips for airbrushes and paints are already posted to get you started. Also go online and search for airbrush forums. An airbrush is simple in concept and can be mastered but it will take practice, practice and more practice.
  16. A genral tip I read somewhere - hard model -soft mold. Soft model - hard mold. Mark got some good points to consider.
  17. Good luck with it. Look at the A' umbrella rig. Nows there's bunches of them. And then there's the offshore knockoffs. Seems to me if you wanna protect a design then keep it a secret. Once it's out there there's no respect.
  18. Looking at the Grainger motor it is listed as a 90 volt DC not 120 volt AC. Be sure to check the power voltage and current ratings before you buy one.
  19. Welcome to the crew. Hope your ready for interesting times. Like Nedyarb says posting your question in the more appropiate section will get you answers. Some guys just look at sections they have an interest. Also look at the tutorial and how- to sections on this forum. And most of all use the search function on this forum and other forums. Many questions have been answered already. Also try interenet searches too. I have 10 tackle making forums in my favorites list. So there is plenty of opportunities to learn and to share. You will find some you-tube videos covering many forms of tackle making.
  20. Like Fishsticks says- Stainless is better. Not saying you can't use other wires but sooner or later you too will come to rely on stainless as a preferred material for it's corrosion resistance and strength.
  21. I know it may sound crazy but if you use nitrogen make sure you have ventilation and not spray in a confined space. NItrogen buildup can be deadly. See this:http://en.wikipedia....en_asphyxiation. I worked for a chemical company and often Nitrogen was use to purge large equipment to keep the inside inert and dry. There was a guy who lost his life because he put his head inside an opening to just look around and forgot about the time. Next thing he's gone. Not saying this will happen when just using an airbrush while spraying using small volumes. But you have a tank and if you have a pipe or connection leak there is a potential. Like carbon monoxide, nitrogen is colorless and odorless. Use small tank volumes. And for those who think this is crazy thinking there is other benign stuff we use or ingest- how about dihydrogen oxide. Lots of people die every year from this stuff 'cause they got careless or there was an accident. ( Dihydrogen oxide is another way of saying H2O. ) Safety first!
  22. You can drill a number of holes next to each other to cover the size of the eye and then CAREFULLY use a utility knife to clean out the slot for the eye. Wood workers sometimes do this to make mortices.
  23. I use thru wire method and put the formed wire in a slot. I make the line tie part by bending wire to form the eye for the line tie and bend the eye to an angle that will protrude through a slot in the lip from the bottom of the lip. The rest of the wire gets extended into the body and continues for the first hook drop and so on. It takes some bending then checking the fit and bend somemore till I like the way it fits. After I install the wire I fill the lip slot space around the eye with a dab of epoxy with a toothpick.
  24. Yep Silicone Rubber mold. It can get expensive compared to POP or bondo. Then there are different types of silicone mold materials. Do yourself a favor and do an internet search for Silicone Rubber mold making and learn about it. It's a whole 'nother world to explore.
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