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Everything posted by mikedatiger

  1. Does anyone know where I can get a mold that produces similar baits to the ones shown below?
  2. A year later and I am still on the prowl for a good shrimp mold. looking for a 3.5" shrimp similar to the one that DOA produces. I know they are out there, but can't find em…. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
  3. I am trying to track down heavy duty jig spinner forms in size 5 (.051" wire) and have only found one company that sells them in small quantities. Does anyone know where I can find them, or does anyone on here make them? I am looking to purchase 500+. I am looking for blank forms. Just for background, for those that may not know, these are often called safety pin spinners, and are intended to be attached to jig heads. Thanks!
  4. Here is the image referenced...
  5. Looking for some help on spinnerbaits that just use straight wire off of a standard jig head. What would be the best method to attach a chatterbait style blade to one of these setups? I have seen them sold in the past but can't seem to locate them, so I have attached a pic of a similar concept using a willowleaf blade. Thanks!
  6. yes, this is a specialized foam that is molded. don't know the exact composition, but not the same materials.
  7. They are still very much in business, but they sell their line under their label. Looking for someone here in the US preferably, that makes em for bulk wholesale purposes. I know they have to be out there, but not very easy to find.
  8. Thanks - that definitely helps on the wire front. The corks are somewhat elusive, but I am not giving up...
  9. Anybody? I've been searching on the net for 3 straight days and can't find anything. These floats are oval shaped and hollow with a plastic insert - i.e. normal slip float. Would be extremely thankful for any info on who makes them for wholesale purchasing.
  10. Looking for help in trying to find foam floats for use in making popping corks. Also, what is a recommended site to purchase wire, and beads? Thanks!
  11. I sell both retail (online) and wholesale. Just from my experience tackle shops wants at least 40% margin. Wholesalers want another 15-25% on top of that. Definitely not cheap, but you have to weigh the options. Are you a bait producer, marketer, salesman, etc...If you're good at all of them, and have a must have product, then setup your own website. A HUGE factor in selling to tackle shops is packaging. If your packaging isn't up to par then most of the time you can hang it up before you ever walk in the store. I have seen several guys fail who had really good baits but their packaging looked like a kid threw it together. I spoke to an executive at a very prominent tackle manufacturer yesterday and he said that sales in this business equate to taking away sales from someone else. So like it or not, when you step into a tackle shop with the intent to sell then you are competing with the big boys as there are only so many pegs to go around. Having said that, stores are always looking for new, innovative products. Good luck!
  12. components shouldn't factor into it as the tax is based on gross. If you apply for an exemption then you only submit the tax on the gross sale. However, if you don't have an exemption then you pay for each step along the way where the product is improved. For example, I have jig heads manufactured for me based on my design/molds, etc. I do not yet have an exemption form so the manufacturer charges me 10% of the final price and submits the tax on my behalf. Now, if I were to paint the jig heads, add a skirt, rattle, etc. (again, improve it) then I have to pay another 10% of my final sales price. If I had an exemption in place then I would just pay at point of sale.
  13. Thanks for looking Frank. It would be great for bass type fishing with a normal hook, but I need something will a little different shape for saltwater usage as we fish with jig heads. It really does make a great looking bait with a fantastic finish. As far as trade, would trade for a 3.5" swim ripper.
  14. I have a 4" bass tackle 4 cavity shrimp mold that is literally brand new - only shot twice (hand injector mold). It makes a fantastic looking bait but I need something a little different for my application. Asking $75 including shipping or willing to trade for a swim reaper style mold.
  15. I am a complete newbie but I have already noticed sinus related problems from pouring - sore throat and runny nose every night after I pour. I bought a cheap mask but looks like I am going to have to upgrade. I pour in my garage with the door open and a fan on.
  16. I thought I might have been original with the using of parchment paper, but I realize few things have not been tried with this hobby! I am a newbie and didn't like the thought of using aluminum foil to create laminates so I went with parchment paper bc it doesn't crinkle nearly as much. Parchment paper works great. Now I just need to see how well the diff halves fuse together.
  17. I am also looking for shrimp molds for SW application. I have the mold from BassTackle, and it makes a great looking bait - just not what my specific application calls for. Any help would be appreciated!
  18. Just wanted to introduce myself and say what a fantastic board this is. I am a Cajun transplant living in TX and started selling saltwater baits as a hobby. Retail turned into wholesale and wholesale led me to manufacturing my own jig heads. That has led me to custom lures which is ultimately how I found myself here. I've had some great success with ideas that I have given to a few bait manufacturers and just got tired of seeing my baits and designs go to pad someone else's pockets. Wish I would have found this site a long time ago as the answers to a lot of items that took me months to find can be easily found here. IMO this is the best site around with regards to knowledgeable/helpful members. I am in awe of the work that you guys do and hope to get to the same ability one day. Thanks Micah
  19. Thanks Troy and that is my understanding as well but I am no CPA either. My wife is but said there are very few excise tax specialists. In fact, one CPA told me that he couldn't believe that of all the businesses I chose to get into that I picked one with Federal Excise tax. The rules make perfect sense with regards to making and pouring lures, but the whole manufacturer definition gets a little dicey. Micah
  20. Question on this: If I am purchasing jig heads from someone, who is making them for me, am I responsible for the excise tax or is the "manufacturer"? And if I am responsible, at what price would I pay tax on - my purchase price or my sales price? I am doing nothing to the product once it is received other than selling it both wholesale and resale. Thx
  21. If you don't mind, who do you order your lure bags from?

    I saw an old post of yours and it seems like you have it figured out.


  22. Looking for some help creating a prototype mold for a saltwater bait that I am working on - trying to get an aluminum mold machined. I am familiar with companies like del, bear, basstackle, etc but wanted to see if any of you either did such work personally or if you could recommend other names. Not trying to break the bank on my first prototype mold so any help would be greatly appreciated. BTW I have been a lurker for the last several days. Really glad I found this site a it's nice to know there are other "lure junkies" out there like myself. Thanks
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