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Everything posted by onlyonmonday

  1. Well now this social idiot is going to say something and all that may not like my 2, can pass this post.. Has anyone thought of how ice is made.. you know the kind with the hole in it.. Think about it..
  2. Now that is rude as hell.. Are you telling me I am NOT to be helping with anything to do with this site ??
  3. I woke up in middle of ZZZZZZZZZ land and I remember seeing something on TV to automatically stir gravy.. I looked all over the site on asseenontv.com and could not find it..
  4. Here is a search result. http://www.google.com/search?hl=&q=airid+mold+spray&sourceid=navclient-ff&rlz=1B3GGGL_enUS350US350&ie=UTF-8&aq=0&oq=Airid+mold+
  5. Do you have a link for that bender ??
  6. Questions.. Will it also show bubbles in finished product.. What are the water based brands.. Is there a data base for the info of water based or ________ .. << What is the other main ingreadent ??
  7. 6 R.P.M would be too slow correct ??
  8. I am hearing if not just a national issue but most easily a world issue.. This can be a world love that if expanded, can STOP all hate in the world.. One huge problem with everyone doing it may turn into a very messy-ER problem.. Could this expand to eclipse the end of all time ?? Maybe we should all become MORE underground because we as a brother and sister of humanity, I find there MUST be other things to be done in our life besides mold making or being tackle addicts.. Is there a place that does detox for members of this wide community ?? How many relationships are history ?? Are you moldy ??
  9. Considering I have a hard time using my body, I find I am in need of some kind of mixer for plaster so I can get some more molds done.. Problem is it hurts me bad to use a craft stick and am thinking to invent something again to serve this dilemma.. I am thinking to get a piece of metal and drill a hole in it, putting a bend to it, and put a bolt threw to connect to a drill.. Any Ideas ??
  10. Considering I have a hard time using my body, I find I am in need of some kind of mixer for plaster so I can get some more molds done.. Problem is it hurts me bad to use a craft stick and am thinking to invent something again to serve this dilemma.. I am thinking to get a piece of metal and drill a hole in it, putting a bend to it, and put a bolt threw to connect to a drill.. Any Ideas ??
  11. Dad is watching us right now.. ******************************************************************************
  12. Can you provide the links ?? *******************************************
  13. onlyonmonday


    I am always wondering of when a topic is brought up and a product is talked about there is NO place to go for links to manufactures of any products and have it be pinned on each category .. Having a links to manufactures of "What Ever" would help this New addict to save some time of having to do search's and discovering I went to the wrong place..
  14. I have a question.. I do NOT shoot yet but would it matter if you hold the mold at a slight angle ?? Also could some of the prob be shooting to fast ??
  15. Do you have any links ?? ****************************************
  16. I really like using Johnsons baby oil GEL.. It is thick and GGGEEEWWWEEE that really does it well.. http://www.johnsonsbaby.com/johnsons-baby-oil-gel-with-shea-and-cocoa-butter ******************************** Also Carmex (Stuff you put on lips ) in the jar is what I use first to get hands back into shape before Johnson's.. The stuff in the tube is great for another area I can only have you guess of.. http://www.mycarmex.com/our-products/default.aspx ******************************** EDIT: I forgot to say what Epson Salts can provide..
  17. Well I just have been messaging another member and told him the people here are strange.. I have asked for info before and deal does not happen because the do NOT want to stick time of any kind in.. They figure if you don't drop everything right now to get them or ask questions they would rather throw them away or what ever.... This guy contacted me 4 days ago and does NOT return emails or calls..
  18. I had an offer to get some junk molds but didn't work out yet.. I am wondering what is the definition of a JUNK mold ??
  19. This is silly or stupid.. If I want to sell my items, No matter what they are should be taxed ?? Just as a hobby to make something and to sell it is going to be a crime even if I donate the items ?? What crap am I getting into ?? Being disabled and getting a government check, and if I spend the little time I have when I feel good enought to do something I can make, then I have to worry about ever selling or donating the item ??
  20. Maybe we should call Del.. **************
  21. The point I would think about is to not just dilute the bad air but to gather up as much of it as possible at the source and get it gone asap.. Build a small booth and capture the nasties and put them on a passage of out.. I made years ago a booth in my bedroom and painted my 1966 Triumph to vent ugly out a door many feet away..
  22. I have nothing but time between my compression therapy times to get out of bed and do something.. That is when I will P and do some bait work.. I always did models as a kid and was going to do them but now have been bitten by the fishing bug of being a lure lunatic.. To get a discount on orders of materials, and be able to not, NOT get messed with in any way from anyone, even the I.R.S., that is what I seek.. I would like to just try as much as possible to get my health back as much as possible to be able to be a productive member of the tax paying world without having to just get a disability check each month.. If I could sell some of my items or barter to pay for materials then that is a plus to even doing anything about baits.. I will not be out on the flowage often, even if it is 1 city block away..
  23. So you have a door that can be modified.. Make the opening to be a SPLIT door.. Just like the doors they have for horse barns.. Frame in an area on the top to be the venting and MAKE a door to go in and out of on bottom.. So you have to learn how to DUCK.. You are smart and can figure it out after hitting your bean a couple of times..
  24. WOW that is skinny dipping wheather for here.. Right now at 8:00 am its --- 5.2 http://www.wunderground.com/cgi-bin/findweather/getForecast?query=44.06902,-90.27681&wuSelect=WEATHER
  25. Sounds like you need to make a dog house out of the outhouse..
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