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Everything posted by onlyonmonday

  1. Where is the dictionary / Encyclopedia for all the Acronyms ??
  2. I have the one speed (Multi-Pro 275) and wonder if I will do damage if I put a (Volume switch) Dimmer switch in line to slow down and vary the rotation ?? So many attachments to be used but believe some would work better if twirling is diminished..
  3. I do NOT know of the item you speak of BUT I do understand some, SOME paint works better if you do the second coat within a time period or after a curing period.. If you do second coat shortly after first them the look can be more custom compared to a cured first coat because the two coats can meld..
  4. I believe you are searching for a 3D look that comes from layers of different colors and blings..
  5. Maybe before you work on your babies you should clean out your draw's.. I love surprises.. Congrates
  6. I see a GREAT time in all the postings words. If I (and I have done and hope to continue) wish to even stay with the want to be on the water, even if it is a dream is outstanding. Yes experience is fine, BUT to get one person excited of the same things I am is a possible small gift of life. If I can not get out of the house I can still enjoy a Tv program..
  7. http://www.google.com/search?hl=&q=display+pakaging&sourceid=navclient-ff&rlz=1B3GGGL_enUS350US350&ie=UTF-8&aq=0&oq=display+pa#hl=en&rlz=1B3GGGL_enUS350US350&&sa=X&ei=3fcqTZKbL9ntnQfPrbjIAQ&ved=0CCYQvwUoAQ&q=display+packaging&spell=1&fp=83f87efc6f926f13
  8. opaque http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/opaque *********************** transparent http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/transparent
  9. To show us the fancy twist, why do you Knot (Not) do a vid and stick it on http://www.youtube.com .. It maybe the magic I need to finally get a floppy friend in my hand without having to go to the tank at Walmart.. ****************************************** F&F How come your link does Knot (Not) work ??
  10. We scored one from Menards.. Yesterday we seen this and I just had to have it.. $11. and change.. http://www.asianproducts.com/product/A9950702767205_P11104478771036439/multi-angle-vise-drill.html
  11. WOW I got lost.. I watched other stuff instead of getting answers I was hoping to get..
  12. Does anyone use an AirBrush for doing there lures, jigs, ETC ?? I am thinking to paint Jigs that where already powdered and eyes painted on.. What unit should I think of getting, and should a compressor be involved instead of propellant ?? Is there any tricks of the trade ??
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