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Everything posted by Skimpy

  1. Thanks Gon2long, I've seen that one.
  2. Would really like to get a mold like this lizard. Nobody knows of any company who makes a ring lizard mold ?
  3. Thanks Painter1. I use soft for basically everything so don't ever buy medium. For the small amount of frogs I do pour, I will use your recommendation of 1 teaspoon of hardener per 6 oz. Will just have to order some hardener now.... Thanks again
  4. I have bears kicking frog and use Caney Creek Soft. The frogs rip too easy with the soft, but soft is what I use the most for other baits. Just wondering how much hardener you guys recommend to add per cup to make the frogs little more tougher and last longer. I don't shoot too many frogs. Maybe only like 1-3 cups. Thanks guys !
  5. Does anybody know where I can get a ring lizard mold?
  6. Does anybody make a ring lizard mold ?
  7. The fat body looks great ! I'm prob going to get the fat body and the 6" flippin hog...http://www.basstackle.com/flippin_hog_mold_6_p/flippinhogmold6.htm. Thanks again to everybody !!!
  8. The orginal brush hog is about 4.5" long but if straighten out tail its about 5", Bass Tackles brush hog is a little shorter and too skinny for me. Does anybody have Del's? I know it will take awhile to get but might be worth the wait if it is closer to zooms. does anybody have the Kmolds brush hog? http://www.kmolds.com/index.cfm?carttoken=ATYC1XY052913031332&action=ViewDetails&ItemID=538668&Category=1942
  9. Thanks for all the replies guys !!! Does anybody have this type of hog? http://www.basstackle.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=534%2D1%2D1&CartID=1
  10. This is the color I want to make. Rootbeer pepper/ green flake
  11. Is it pretty close to an original baby brush hog? I use them alot and looking for something really close to it. Thanks I got a few molds from Del's in the past and it did take for ever to get them.
  12. I want to get a baby brush hog type bait and can't decide what one to get. Del's http://www.del-mart.com/shop/product.php?productid=17264&cat=400&page=2 Bass Tackles's http://www.basstackle.com/Flippin_Hog_mold_p/flippinhogmold.htm Is there anyone else who makes baby brush hog molds? Bears are bigger than 4".
  13. How much salt do you put in brush hogs? I've heard some load them with a bunch and also heard some dont put any salt in them. How much does zoom put in them? do you think as much salt as like a senko?
  14. Thanks guys. I found this during a search. http://www.tackleunderground.com/community/index.php?/topic/22550-flake-otions/?hl=creatology#entry168602
  15. Has anybody used that Creatology Glitter that they sell like at Michaels?
  16. Thanks for the info !!! It's too late I've already started ! Lol. I've been pouring plastics for a few years now. I recently started pouring jigs and now I'm doing spinnerbaits
  17. Havent got into pouring spinnerbaits yet so got a newbie question. with the Bullet Spinner Jig - SJ-4B-A mold, can you go up or down in hook sizes like jig molds? Thanks http://do-itmolds.com/shop/index.php?route=product/category&path=46
  18. Thanks. This will be my first jig mold. I wanted something versatile. I have been pouring plastics for a few years and wanted to try lead.
  19. Thanks ! I will be ordering it this weekend. Just wanted to know what hooks to get too.
  20. Has anyone tried a 3/0 on the 1/8 ? If possible I'd like to do the following 1/8 = 3/0 1/4 = 3/0 3/8 = 4/0 or 5/0 1/2 = 4/0 or 5/0 3/4 = 5/0 1 = 5/0
  21. New to jig pouring. I’m thinking of getting the 2 Poison Tail molds. How big of a hook can you or would you go. I’ve seen some of the answers on here searching the forum, but didn't cover all. What size hooks do you guys use for each? Going to use the Mustad 91768 hook. 1/8 Recommends 1/0 1/4 Recommends 2/0 3/8 Recommends 3/0 1/2 Recommends 3/0 3/4 Recommends 4/0 1 Recommends 5/0
  22. I have the 5" SHZ.. It is awesome, the bigger the better
  23. I've tried the rite dye also. Did you add it straight to the plastic or did you cut it with softner or worm oil???? The liquid rite dye is water based and will bubble(found that out the hard way) was told it was oil based and even felt like oil base
  24. Does anyone make a Rage Tail Shad mold that doesnt confict with a copywrite???
  25. Skimpy


    Any pics of one made? Sounds cool
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