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Everything posted by Skimpy

  1. I love these new poison swing tail jigs ! Perfect for a swing chatterbait ! I wanted to put the blade directly on the wire form but had to cut the wire form to fit on the blade. I was worried the "cut" wire form would open up if hooked into a big bass. So I had to test it out....
  2. Lol. No I don't work for them. Just have a bunch of Do-It stuff and like to help promote
  3. I had some requests to show what the Cherry Picker looked like in the test tank.. Here it is ! https://youtu.be/WGGIMqcR1zc
  4. Yes, I also make the poison swing Tail ! I plan on doing a video on that one as well.
  5. Awesome. Thanks for thhe suggestions guys !!!!!
  6. Made a video making some Football Swing Jigs !!!
  7. https://m.aliexpress.com/item/32286176653.html if your looking for cheap, you can get these. They come from china so will take awhile to get them. I haven't used them but have heard they are actually decent.
  8. I like Do-it's the best, but I have used barlows and they work.
  9. You can mod a mold to accept spinnerbait wires. Check out this video
  10. Couldn't find them. Are they called something else besides "connector links"I'm not looking for the regular wire form. I was wondering about the size #2 connector links
  11. Is barlows the only place that sells the connector links?
  12. They shoot pretty good? Or did you have to use the grease they sell? Are they pretty much the exact same as the magic shad?
  13. I only see the smaller one on BaitMold.com https://baitmold.com/?s=w103&post_type=product
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