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Everything posted by Kermodebaits

  1. I have used only a couple of plastisols including Caney Creek, Polyone, Chemionics and Lureworks. The one that has worked best for me is Caney Creek. I also liked the Polyone from Del as well but it is not available. As for now, as long as Caney Creek is around, it is my plastisol of choice. Caney Creek also has superior customer service.
  2. Thanks again guys for teh info. On days off after tonight. I will try your recommendations.
  3. I do keep them clean and they are still not as smooth as I think they should be.
  4. I recently picked up a couple new single injectors and a twin injector. Although they work decent and still shoot good baits, they seem a bit sticky while trying to inject. Is there a break in period for them as the dont seem as smooth as my previous injectors. I always keep the o-ring lubed up with a couple drops of softner or worm oil and this helps a bit, they also smooth out a bit once warm. But still think they should be smoother. I dont remember my olds ones ever being sticky. Any thoughts? Thanks
  5. I bought this colorant from Del when they were still carrying colorants. Getting low on this color and it makes a cool salmon egg color. Anyone know anywhere else that has it? Thanks
  6. Thanks Frank, I just placed an order.
  7. Has anyone used any of the colorants and UV glo from Spike it. If so, how are they, do they bleed? Thanks
  8. Yesterday I received my order from Spike it. I ordered a liter of soft, medium and hard pourasol as well as liter of medium ultrasol. The medium pourasol made some nice Steelhead worms and I used the hard pourasol for some salmon eggs and they turned out fairly well but did have quite a few microbubbles. Havent tried the others yet. I was cooking the plastic to about 350f. Using a small pot on a hot plate. Observed no yellowing but was only using upto 8oz at a time and used it up quite quickly. I also noticed a little hard packing in the ultrasol when I opened it, it was stuck to the lid but came off very easily. Greg
  9. How do the medium pourasol and ultrasol compare to chemionics medium? How do the soft pourasol and ultrasol compare to polyone soft? Anyone finding it worth the extra money to go with ultrasol? Thanks
  10. What do you mean by this? Thanks
  11. http://www.qcminds.com/lure_plastisol.php Just wondering if anyone has tried this plastisol and how it worked for you. I have only used 2 other plastisols so far, Polyone and Chemionics. How does it compare? Thanks Greg
  12. I dont have a website or business but have sold some baits on classified forums and just use Pay Pal. I usually just send a Pay Pal invoice to the customer.
  13. I am sure I wrecked my liter of soft and hard chemionics but my medium which I just opened and stirred the hell out of it which a drill and paint stirrer worked out. a few bubbles but other than that, good.
  14. I bought a paint stirrer for a electric drill for the chemionics, stirred it for a few minutes but it still comes out sticky and slimy. It is so much like water, it makes it hard to inject smoothly and safely or even pour for that matter. Im not sure if its supposed to but the chemionics when going through the heating period doesnt thicken up before reaching the ideal temperature. Is this normal? I know from using polyone, that it thickens up while heating before being reaching the ideal temperature. Also I left a fully cooked pot of chemionics in the pot for over 5 minutes while not exposed to heat and it was still as thin as water. Is that normal. Once it finally does set up, its sticky, mushy, slimy, you name it. And apparently the price of polyone has gone upto 180 dollars for 5 gallons.
  15. I know there are many opinions but Im looking for a new plastisol. I have used Polyone with excellent success but its cost is higher than others. I used Chemionics but cant seem to figure it out. I am thinking of trying Calhouns, any opinions on this. I am looking for a plastisol similar to Polyones characteristics but suits my budget. If anyone has a few gallons of polyone loduro they dont use, I would be interested in purchasing it.
  16. I recently purchased a liter of a couple different plastisols by Chemionics. I have stirred it using a drill and paint stirrer, shaken it, you name it. Its turns out like goo. Because it pours like water, I cant inject it smoothly. There is no hard pack on the bottom of the container. It literally falls out of the injector. I am sure Im probably doing something wrong but never had problems with another plastisol that I have used. Any advice? How long should it be stirred, should it be stirred at a slow speed, high speed, forward, reverse? Thanks a bunch
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