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Everything posted by YakAngler81

  1. Does anyone know of a source with the Megabass Pop Max knock offs in stock? Also, a question on clear coating a clear lure. I'm going to order some Dick Nites and I don't have any direct experience with it. I'll just be dusting the lures with a rattle can pearl flake, not painting them. I want the baits to be pretty clear and shimmer. Will DN turn the lures clearer once applied?
  2. If this isn't in the appropriate section, please move. I am curious as to how I should ship airbrush paint, Createx and Wildlife colors specifically. Am I fine just shipping it in a USPS Priority mail box? (Packaged extremely well of course) How have you guys done it?
  3. x2 on sharing the method i am sure me along with other members would be interested in trying it.
  4. I plan on attempting spinnerbaits at some point as I think it would be a fun hobby. My question is, could I use water based paints and a few coats of auto clear on the heads like I do for hardbaits? And still have a durable finish? Thanks!!!
  5. Looks like I posted this in the wrong forum earlier by mistake. I was thinking about repainting one of my older Daiwas. I have all the info I need except two things. After disassembling it, what steps do I need to take to prep the pieces to be repainted, as far as sanding and such? Also what would be best for basecoating it? Any help or advice is greatly appreciated!!
  6. I was thinking about repainting one of my older Daiwas. I have all the info I need except two things. After disassembling it, what steps do I need to take to prep the pieces to be repainted? Also what would be best for basecoating it? Any help or advice is greatly appreciated!!
  7. I know it has been discussed before, and that some don't like KOs in general while others do. But for those who have actually used the Vision 110 KO blanks, how do you like them? Who do you buy from that sells the 110s that perform well? Thanks for any help.
  8. That's exactly the problem I was having recently JigPitcher. Now it's working perfectly, here's the thread: http://www.tackleund...-iwata-problem/
  9. I appreciate it guys. I ended up putting the airbrush in Createx Airbrush Restorer for a couple of hours, hopefully it will do well and be ready to go later. If not, I'll be sure to go with the acetone.
  10. I went to use my Eclipse this evening after work and ran into a problem. After spraying for about a minute, barely any paint was coming out. I took it apart, backwashed it, etc. Tried again and it did the same thing; barely spraying paint, if any. I haven't change anything and am using the same exact paints I've always used. Any ideas as to what the problem could be?
  11. Smallie, Where did you find those baits pictured? Thanks guys!
  12. I was on another site and came across this picture. It wasn't painted, but it also doesn't look like it was photo finished. I'm a rookie painter and would like to just do a bait like this. Does anyone know how it was done?
  13. Thanks guys, how did it go Mark? Looking forward to hearing how it performs.
  14. I plan on buying a few of these to try. Has anyone had a problem with them? I don't see how a topwater KO could be bad, just wanted to hear some feedback on them. Thanks
  15. Just curious as to what grit sandpaper does everyone prefer to use?
  16. heres a older thread that might help some. http://www.tackleunderground.com/community/topic/21974-csi-vinyl-paint-and-airbrushing/page__p__163815__hl__%2Bcsi+%2Bpaint__fromsearch__1#entry163815
  17. Guess I didn't think much into it, thanks for y'alls quick responses
  18. Wasn't sure where to post this, hope it's fine here. I had a friend as me to custom paint the motor cover for his boat. I think I've got an idea on how I want to prep it and everything. My question is, could I use etex on it thinly for a good finish?
  19. That's the kind I was planning on doing, thanks guys.
  20. Those are stunning. Did you use sharpie for the lines?
  21. Probably a stupid question, but how do you fellas go about repainting a bait that's in a matte finish? Is it just like repainting any other bait, or do you have to do something different with the lure prep? Once again, thanks everyone for your help.
  22. Thanks guys, so I need to get the gray?
  23. Will these work just as good as fine sandpaper? I know most use sandpaper, but I wanted to see if scotch brite would work just as good. Thanks for any help.
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