Thanks for the feedback guys
I think i'm just going to have to make a mold out of these. I've found a few companies that make
some very similar (culprit, zoom, BPS) but not in this size, only 7"+
"Bear, BT and Del all use a 5/8 port on their molds." SHK is right.
and BassTackle is a very easy company to work with! It seems like there motto is "the costumer is always right" ha. They even gave me a credit once just because my order didn't get sent out within a certain time frame due to a family matter. Highly recommend them. Great product as well
Hello guys.
I have been trying to figure out the name of this worm for 2 years now and the last time I remember my father in law buying these was about 5 years ago!! the BEST plastic worm for smallies IMO period! he says they were "Renegades" but I don't think he's right? maybe, but i'm not sure. I know they are more than likely discontinued =(
I always got them in a black body w/ chartreuse tail or brown body w/ chartreuse tail. These changed color due to sitting next to red colored grubs for 4 years
Thanks for any feedback!
"he thinks he use to buy them from walmart"
=) sweet, and I know how that is! haha. I think this quote applies for all of us > " My biggest fear in life is that when I die, My wife will sell my fishing gear for what I said I paid for it"
(SOLD) I have a 3oz Bass Tackle injector and a two sided aluminum 3" trout worm mold. I have caught countless fish with these worms! Bass, Crappie, Trout and Sunfish/Gills. Its a 10 cavity mold and they shoot perfect every time. $100 for both, FREE priority shipping! my loss, your gain =)