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Everything posted by Dziadzia

  1. Dziadzia


    Another view to the lure
  2. Dziadzia


    Here is ‘Nimble’. Decided to build smaller lure. The description is following: sinking lure; sinking rate 0.25 m/s; weight w hooks 81 gr. Action – quick reaction to gentle road twitch; reaction – small glide w dominated turn around axis.
  3. Dziadzia


    Thank you for the evaluation and positive feedback. Yes, the real hook is embedded in the top coat. After long research in my brain, I have come to the solution to use a real hook as my logo for my lures. The hook is a tricky thing to attach to a lure, but finally have figure out the way to fix hook in the desired position and direction. Ed
  4. Dziadzia


    I have decided to mark my lures after long research in my brain. The final decision has been given for the logo ‘Hook’. If your eye or pike’s eye catch this logo somewhere on the ground or in the water, you or pike will know that lure was born in my workshop.
  5. Dziadzia

    The eye of 'Lapsus'

    The view to the surrounding water through the eye of 'Lapsus'
  6. Dziadzia

    JerkBait 'Lapsus'

    Long glides should be used to tempt a pike in the cold autumn water. Here is ‘Lapsus’ hence meaning ‘glider’ if translate from Latin. The weight of ‘Lapsus’ is 140 grams and length is 20 cm, and action is slow sinking for the aim to hang longer in the water. This ‘Lapsus’ gave a good result tempting pikes during the last fishing trip.
  7. Dziadzia

    Tail lure 'perch'

    These tails are prety cool. Flexible enought to vibrate even than lure is sinking. Where and who makes these tails, I do not have information, but originaly it is fishing twister, just the body of twister is cut.
  8. Dziadzia


    Interesno kak on v vode plyviot? kakyje dvyzenyje on delajet?
  9. Dziadzia


    Sasha, molodec. Krasyvo zdelano... aliumynevaja folga otlychno vygliadyt. kakim obrazom sdelal cheshuju?
  10. Dziadzia

    foiled six sax slayers

    Perfectly implemented capacities to built lures. Superb!
  11. Dziadzia

    Jerkbait company

    Jerkbait Company ready to trouble pikes
  12. Dziadzia

    Tail lure 'perch'

    Tail jerkbait ‘perch’ ready to hit the water. The same size and action as the previous foiled lure in my gallery.
  13. Dziadzia

    Tail jerk foiled

    The body of foiled jerk lure and friendly eye
  14. Dziadzia

    Tail jerk foiled

    Another angle of view to the jerk lure
  15. Dziadzia

    Tail jerk foiled

    Hi, gents. Here is foiled creature. The length of body without tail is 17 cm. However, the length with tail is 27 cm. I hope, it should be nice well done steak for toothy pikes.
  16. Dziadzia


    Hi, Ben. Thank you for your evaluation. I have looked at your lures displayed on your Internet site and your approach to the matter and execution is on the highest level. Let us hope, that lures will be appreciated by toothy predators. Best, Ed
  17. Dziadzia


    Two colours combination (black and red) was used slightly dim the contrast of 3D yellow eye. I know that predator is not so pedant choosing prey, but from the point of aesthetics this eye looks nicer than simple moulded 3D eye.
  18. Dziadzia


    Another view to the wooden hardbait. Let us hope that this perch will be chosen by predator.
  19. Dziadzia


    Perch has been requested to make. So, here lure is for you to evaluate. The length of hardbait is 17 cm, and weight is approx 105 grams. Action – sinking due to the aim to use this hardbait in deep waters.
  20. Dziadzia


    Another angle to look at the pike-jerkbait.
  21. Dziadzia


    The part of side pattern of pike that was airbrushed. Two layers of clear coat were used to create protection against sharp tooth.
  22. Dziadzia


    Newly backed jerkbait. The length of lure is 19 centimetres, weight with hooks 110 gr. Action is sinking and already approved by pikes during last weekend fishing trip.
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