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Brent R

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Everything posted by Brent R

  1. Thanks Ben....sometimes i feel like a dumb azzzzzzzzz
  2. I did a search for the same thing and i still can't find the info i'm looking for....if you can help out, i would be a thankin you....
  3. Does anyone know where to buy dupont clear coat. I'm looking for DuPont™ ChromaClear® HC-7776S. thanks, Brent
  4. Take your time and get lots of info before you decide....It will be worth the wait.....But in most opinions Iwata is the brand but which brush will be up to you....Ask lots of ?????s Good luck
  5. Might want to try washing the net materials your using....it makes it softer and you can manage it better...
  6. Brent R

    IMG 2376

    new who painted this bait before i ever looked.....great work as always
  7. Brent R

    "Gilly" Bull Gill

    Great job.....i'm glad i'm not a bass....
  8. Try this...you have more control over what your doing....... Dremel 225-01 36" Flex-Shaft Attachment
  9. Brent R

    Coach Dog 4 20 2012

    I'm sure your gonna get bit with that one....great job...
  10. @ riverman........None of the motors you posted are $50.00.....was that post a mistake?????????
  11. @ riverman.....where are you getting the 6 rpm motor with 50 lbs of torque???????
  12. Go to this website and check out this compressor ► 0:56 ► 0:56 www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hw5pTPjsIsY ..... or Google ....GMC air compressors.........I have the 4610A.....It is real quit and you can talk right beside it when it running.....I have had no problems with it and it works great......And with the tanks it doesn't run all the time.....Good luck
  13. Just wipe your needle down real good with acetone.....but what ever you choose to do be careful and don't bend the needle. Are the only thing you will be doing is cleaning out your wallet...Good luck Brent
  14. Google this .... Snax fish stencil set Hope this was what you where looking for....Good luck Brent
  15. Brent R


    Great job...BBM.......Might have to pay you for a lesson.....
  16. Try createx white with a few drops of sunrise yellow.....play with the mix to get different shades of bone..... Good luck, Brent
  17. It takes about 12 to 15 hours for bob smith 20 min to harden...thats what they told me when i called them.....They also said that the 20 min being waterproof was not guaranteed.... and that 30 min. was the way to go.....Also do not put it on to heavy....I think just about everyone has a lure turner for epoxy....and they work great. Just my
  18. The camo paint that i think they are referring to is camo colors.....krylon makes camo colors and stencils to make the pattern....I think there are also other companies that are also offering these products...... Google it ...and you will see what i'm talking about......
  19. Brent R

    Justa Gill

    I'm with Ben on this one....GREAT
  20. Brent R


    Great job Brad
  21. Brent R


    Now those will catch a fish.....and great job
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