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Brent R

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Everything posted by Brent R

  1. I think you will still need a water trap......Good luck
  2. Yes you still need a water trap......And pantyhose is about the best strainer you can get.......And the name sexy shad was a commit made by Mark Zona to KVD one day when they were fishing together.....KVD was testing the bait color for strike king and Mark made the statement that it looked like a sexy shad....KVD has been kickin butt with it ever since ........
  3. Brent R


    Thanks for the info.....take care Brent
  4. Brent R


    Thanks for the reply.....i do know about how they grade plywood.....and there is a b1 grade...A cabenet maker was the one who told me what to ask for.....There is one place i can get it but you have to have a tax number.......But your right i may have to settle for something else......Thanks again for your help Brent
  5. Brent R


    I know this is not a topic for TU......but i was hoping someone new of a company that carries B1 berch plywood 3/4 inch...I'm in Theodore AL......Maybe a chain store.....I have called to my finger bleeds....and can't seem to find any.....The B1 is good stuff and does not have any knots.....Thanks for your time.. Brent
  6. Brent R

    Big Eyed Baby Bass

    You gotta love it....great job.....bb
  7. Brent R


    Great job....all it needs is a black iron skillet and some grease
  8. Ben......I couldn't have said it better myself....and your right....if the HF can't be cleaned just throw it away.......The fish over your way should be starting to bite......don't catch them all....take care Brent
  9. @ Ben....I thought you were using a passche vl 3 to spray auto clear with......maybe i misunderstood...
  10. He got more for that lure.....than i got for my ex wife.......LOL.......and then the guy wanted to sell her back to me.....even offered me 50 dollars to boot..... I moved the next day........LOL
  11. They are hundreds of baits in the gallery....any i don't know how many have stripes and are around rocks......i would start the search and start clicking.......sorry i can't help any more than that....good luck......
  12. Never used the stuff from Dollar Tree.......Sounds good for a $1.00 a roll.....But if you can't find it try Frog Tape...you can find it real easy at walmart....This stuff works great.......If i can find it i will try the stuff from Dollar Tree......Thanks for the post
  13. Ben do you use the 20 min....or 30 min....bob smith epoxy??????
  14. Gunnie....would you mind sharing more about this topic......thanks
  15. Brent R

    Foto crawfish

    Great job......i could eat about a million of them...
  16. What are you gluing them with?????????
  17. I know this is of the topic of crankbaits...but was hoping to get some help......I'm looking to buy a new wireless inkjet printer and would like it to have great graphics and photo quality.....I've already done a lot of research, but was hoping you guys may have already come across a good one. I would like to spend less than 200 dollars if possible.....Thanks for the help. Take care, Brent
  18. The color change that your talking about could be the water clarity or the type of structure it has been around.....just like a bass will change color if he is been in grass, deeper water, muddy water where there is less light. I'm sure they are many other reasons these changes might happen.....If you do a google search i'm sure you will find lots of info...... take care, Brent
  19. I have read about all kinds of water slide paper.......most say to spray it with clear.......can anyone give me a good one to use and the process you use....thanks for you time Take care, Brent
  20. Thanks Ben.....I did not know that......learn something new everyday........i got my answer.....it is super glue......... Take care Brent
  21. @ Dave When you say CA glue....are you talking about ....Super Glue????? thanks for the time Brent
  22. @ dave Someone told me that he uses a coke can with the coke in it that has been in the freg....he lets the can warm up a little and then pours the mixed epoxy on the bottom of the cold can...He says this way he has more time before the epoxy sets up.....what do you think about this method?? thanks for your help Brent
  23. Great idea about the packing tape.......
  24. @ Ben Do you wear any kind of eye protection....i know you said you wear a respirator....in your pic you are wearing a beard......The guy at the paint store told me my beard had to go....even if i do wear it short........I've been wearing it for 15 years...its kinda a part of me.....Guess it has to go if i'm going to spray auto clear......Oh when you spray with the paasche do you spray with the bottle are the cup.....thanks for the help....take care Brent
  25. Ben hit it on the nose.......The HI LINE CH will do everything you will ever want to do as for as shooting paint...and it is one of the top of the line Iwata airbrushes. And Ben sounds like he works for Iwata.........GO Ben....great job......Good luck on your venture.... Take care.....Brent
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