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Everything posted by Painter1

  1. Just learned my wife is dying of cancer within 6 months. Not pursuing this.
  2. I never unwrapped them from new, but probably 6? I’m looking for 3 colors
  3. I have 6 of Del’s injection molds and am seeking someone to make a few hundred baits using these molds. I would ship the molds to you and pay a reasonable price for your labor, materials & equipment. I sold my Shooting Star a few years ago since I did not expect to need it. Please let me know if able & interested.
  4. I found the six hundred finesse worms I made during pandemic. These have been stored in a large bin and are bone dry but many are bent. I know I can put them in hot water and lay them out to get the kinks out. But will the plastic absorb some scented oil after that? I made them tri-color ala roboworm and would like to render them useful. Ideas most welcome.
  5. I ordered the mold from Barlow’s with Gami hooks. I’m hoping to modify a swim bait mold so I can mold the plastic around the jig.
  6. Any of you guys try this jig? https://barlowstackle.com/do-it-hover-jig-mold/?utm_source=Klaviyo&utm_medium=campaign&_kx=m1ZtKI6WNjPliDaX3IhCPF8P2YM4rDdv6qTxaNw2Zv8.HY2xRH
  7. The Poison Tail has a variety of sizes. This may meet the multi-duty role you seek
  8. Is it feasible to pour with the actual weedguard in place. I haven’t tried it. Probably melt the fibers? I fish a highland reservoir where they cleared the trees before filling it. It is devoid of vegetation unless it floods and the water is very clear. . Instead of installing a weedguard in that (mostly) hang-up free water, why not fill that hole with a paste type attractant? Or tie in a rabbit strip soaked in attractant?
  9. Thank you for taking the time to help me by posting this. I’m familiar and use this method on my swim jigs. What I’m confused about is how to use these umbrellas
  10. Painter1

    Skirt Kit

    Wow! Great looking lures. I’m sorry to be thick but still don’t understand HOW to make / tie these. I’m quite familiar with tying skirts on jigs with the jig in my vice and also making skirts with rubber collars. Can’t see how to put that plastic umbrella in my vice. Obviously missing something. Sorry to be clueless
  11. Painter1

    Skirt Kit

    Wow! Great looking lures. I’m sorry to be thick but still don’t understand HOW to make / tie these. Can’t find a YT video on it.
  12. Painter1

    Skirt Kit

    Do you tie the skirt to the umbrella before putting it on, or the other way around?
  13. Painter1

    Skirt Kit

    Have any of you guys tried this thing? https://skirtworksfishing.com/product-category/skirtworks-kit/ I would also appreciate a tutorial on how to us Skirt Umbrella on a jig.
  14. Printing isn’t expensive (assuming some bulk).
  15. I’m very much still looking. Your help would be most welcome
  16. Skirt sellers have plastic “skirt umbrellas” that are designed for that. https://barlowstackle.com/-skirt-umbrellas--p823/ I use some old chenille
  17. Sorry guys. I’m taking care of sick wife. Will get it done when able
  18. I found several thousand 4 inch, tri-color finesse worms that I made over 5 years ago. They are dried out and some are bent. Any recommendations on rehabilitating them? If I can make them viable they will go to the HS Fishing Clubs.
  19. I have over 150 molds that I’m not using but haven’t been motivated to catalog and put up for sale. If you are looking for any particular molds, let me know and I will sell at 1/2 retail, OBO.
  20. Can you tell me what these skirt colors/names are? Thank you.
  21. What is your experience with these Boss weedguards from FishingSkirts? I know they used to have a “hub” that worked well but it looks like it’s been reduced. https://www.fishingskirts.com/product/army-green-pumpkin-medium-1-8/
  22. That would be great. Please do.
  23. So how are you guys making skirts without this tool?
  24. Any chance you could get 1?
  25. bench mount professional skirt making tool
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