Sir, Congratulations on your business prowess. Most jig makers, even buying bulk wholesale, have about $0.40 in direct cost. Indirect costs like energy and capital costs like molds, pouring equipment & shop space can be different for each individual but I'm guessing your CPA could justify adding 50% to that number in demonstration of actual expenses.
Add excise tax and cost to package the product and it becomes difficult to see how someone can sell a 3/4 oz walleye jig for $0.51 each not to mention labor & transportation costs.
But this guy and many more sell at these "everyday low prices"
I applaud your ability to not only sell at 3 x to 5x your competitors rates - but to do it 8,000 times each year might make you eligible to be Donald Trumps Apprentice.
Like some others here, my interest is not commercial so I wish you the best of luck.
I remain ever grateful to the guys that freely share tips and advice on this site.