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Everything posted by Painter1

  1. I poured up some spoons and need to paint them. To date I have only painted jig heads and these are much too long to dip in the powder vertically (at least with the size container and volume of material I have). I am also wondering about baking them. I could put the hooks on and hang them in my toaster oven. Will that heat damage a bronze size 2 VMC treble hook or a sz 7 split ring? Your thoughts and ideas are welcome.
  2. So right about different days and different tricks. We had a cold snap and I guess my molds got just cold enough that they would not pour right today until thoroughly warmed up. Earlier in the week they were spot on the first shot. Only about 5 F degrees difference.
  3. I did what was suggested here and by Cadman. MUCH BETTER. I was 100% wrong about doing better with less lead in the pot. Mold opening snug to the spout = excellent pours and smaller sprues. Thanks, guys
  4. Thanks, guys. I keep them sealed but will try the desiccant and change the filter.
  5. My fluid bed spews a thin stream around the edges if I turn up the air but does not "fluff" the powder. I have powder everywhere if I turn it up high enough to get some fluff. It does not get used often so maybe that contributes to the problem. Ideas welcome
  6. I admire your passion, but all you need do is search and read this forum. There are virtually hundreds of replies to the dozens of similar "opinion/information" requests. The short answer, IMO; it is a great way to turn a large fortune into a small one. I do, sincerely, wish you the best of luck.
  7. Looks like Snidely Whiplash's Moustache Comb - "Snidely Shad"?
  8. OK, so bad idea to use in the packaging bag. Now I am just curious about what is in that stuff;)
  9. I know some guys who swear by Smelly Jelly as the best attractant available though I have not used it. I understand that it is very strong and masks human odor. I'm wondering If this material could be used as an "in the bag" additive, either straight or modified for a thinner constitution? Anyone with any experience with this stuff? Thank you
  10. The "Mickey Mouse" ear-ball mold works pretty well with a split ring. If you use small hooks you may need 2 split rings. There seems to be a perception among the fishermen I deal with that the football shape is better (for all things related to jigs)and that having no split rings makes jigs better. It's like the salt / no-salt debate. The smallmouth in our Ozark ponds are killing the Mickey Mouse with a craw or beaver trailer when worked steadily along the bottom near rock transitions. Crank along the bottom, pause, stroke and BAM. Sometimes they nip at it, like bluegill (maybe it is bluegill??) while cranking it, but they hammer it when it tries to get away.!!
  11. He is a clever guy with a LOT of big fish experience. I sent an email asking if he minds if I fool around with making a similar lure. I still have to figure out how to rig hooks in it, but I will wait to hear if there is any heartburn about the project first. I'm guessing he would not have made a series of videos about it if he wanted to keep it to himself
  12. Thanks, guys. I really appreciate the help
  13. My age is showing but when the online computer program "Napster" was all the rage and my teenagers started copying songs for personal use, I took steps to eliminate that practice in our home. IMO, if your copying a song, infringing on a copyright or a patent and not paying, it is stealing and it is not victimless. It has been so much more fun to catch fish on something self-made. Imagine catching a great fish and having to lie or admit to the media that you ripped off someone else to do it. Could tarnish a proud moment. Nothing wrong with creative inspiration though. Maybe you will find an improvement (like a bait that simulates a Bic pen) and become famous:)
  14. Thanks, Andy. I am guessing your electronic spelling helper turned "Eagle Claw" to "David Claw". Those tools can make for some interesting messages sometimes. I will look into those hooks, though I am still looking for a lighter wire alternative.
  15. Wouldn't it be more fun to design your own Creature Bait or use one of the many that are legitimately available from quality mold makers? I'm just saying
  16. I am looking for a longer shank hook for use on each of these 1.) Bulletnose Jig Mold http://do-itmolds.com/shop/index.php?route=product/category&path=1_7_19 2.) Worm Nose Jig http://do-itmolds.com/shop/index.php?route=product/category&path=1_7_233 I don't mind having them modified if I need to. The Gami V-Eye hook has the kind of length I am looking for but, of course, it doesn't begin to fit in either mold. I welcome your help. Thank you.
  17. C'mon, somebody on here is just dying to make some of these, and send one to me to for testing
  18. I have not tried that and appreciate that advice. The mold is too long to get the opening closest to the handle under the gate with a direct approach so I have been tilting the mold and holding it an inch or two away. How do you fill that last cavity?
  19. I have noticed that the melting pot quantity can affect the pour also. When the pot is full there is more head pressure at the nozzle and the material drops with extra force. When the hot streaming metal is in the dead center of the opening the force causes "splash-out" If ladling works, the answer may be to use less metal in the Lee pot.
  20. How well did it work? I would love to try one out but don't want to make it and think a 10" model is too big. I would happily buy one to try if someone here makes them.
  21. Welcome, Curt & Thank you, Jerry. I have sure learned a lot on this site and appreciate that it is ongoing.
  22. Here is one of his video tutorials. I am just wondering if anyone is actually making these. If so, how well do they actually work?
  23. Does anyone here make a Largemouth Bass version of a Mr. Whiggley swimbait? Maybe 6 to 8 inches?
  24. Thanks, guys. As usual, very helpful stuff.
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