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Everything posted by Painter1

  1. I finally got around to doing this. The borosilicate 4 oz pouring cups work well for 3 & 4 color open pour molds. Wanting to keep the cups warm to extend open time, I molded this hi-heat sandy clay in a griddle with lid. Keeping the molds warm on the flat griddle really helps the colors blend slightly “fuzzy” instead of sharp defined lines. Just getting started; will update after more use.
  2. My analysis weighed firmly on the side of “bait making as a business” is a niche. I’m just giving away what I have been making.
  3. I like 6 to 8 ounces in a cup size container for finesse pouring but haven’t found the ideal spout. I’ve got old Pyrex and some beaker type borosilicate. What to you prefer that provides a steady & controllable stream of hot material without it gumming up at the spout?
  4. Brings me to wonder how to dispose of it? Cat litter ?
  5. I will have to do some samples and see if there is a difference in how they swim?
  6. I have both in the shop now and wondering if there is a benefit to using both in different sections of a lure. Such as paddle tails, worms etc.
  7. Painter1


    We have abundant Bluegill in the Ozark lakes I fish, so am looking for something less streamlined than many of the paddletail SB’s. Have you tried the Epic Nugget? Other suggestions? https://epicbaitmolds.com/products/3-inch-epic-nugget-open-pour-mold?_pos=3&_sid=cbc60a9c6&_ss=r
  8. Thank you for that. Very helpful.
  9. I’m focusing on open pour Swimbaits and have a couple questions. What molds do you like best? What size gets bit best for you (and friends). How do you rig them? Strictly belly weighted hook or a (?) style jig head? Who has a Bluegill mold? Thank you
  10. Flutter Jig mold with wire parts for all sizes. Price is delivered via USPS
  11. Do you know the dimensions?
  12. Frank says it’s not his post. Hmm. Curiosity is building
  13. Good ideas, fellas. Thank you!
  14. Any of you guys tried this one? https://fatguysfishing.com/swim-baits/?page=2
  15. CORRECTION: mine is an Ultra-Molds Shooting Star. Not using it and it’s a shame for it to just sit there. Open to an offer.
  16. Quite a long time ago I saw a post/pictures/video of a griddle filled with clay-based foundry sand formed around several borosilicate cups. Purpose being to keep several small quantities of different colors hot enough to remain usable for a reasonable period. IMS, it may have been from Frank. I bought the forming clay/sand https://www.amazon.com/Teton-Bond-Petrobond-Fine-Mesh-Foundry-Casting/dp/B07J19XZYD/ref=sr_1_1?m=A2F0NR23SCAQGR&qid=1688842728&refinements=p_4%3ATeton%2BSupply%2BCo.&s=merchant-items&sr=1-1&th=1 but not sure how to make it so that the cup shapes hold in the griddle with repeated use. Do I just form it around the cups and turn on the griddle for while? How long? How hot? Do the cups need to be treated with some sort of release agent? I’m not using all the (expensive) soft plastic injection/production equipment anymore as my interest has turned to customized open pour swim baits. I fish extremely clear water and enjoy tinkering with making baits as natural as I can. Thanks, guys
  17. I’m going to try my hand at painting. Any recommendations for good blanks?
  18. I have had some good luck with the Core Swimbait jigs https://www.tacklewarehouse.com/Core_Tackle_The_Ultimate_Swimbait_Hook/descpage-CTUS.html?_gl=1*1q70cwh*_up*MQ..&gclid=CjwKCAjw44mlBhAQEiwAqP3eVlzQ_gw9sRyz64u61blWUsP-O6VwW_7ezb5QXwQ3ExOudC1dkv0OphoCmYcQAvD_BwE (rarelyu available) but would like a 3/16 with a 2/0 hook. So am wondering if any of you guys have ideas. I’m not a talented mold maker.
  19. Outside the box, but…. I got frustrated with Keitech fragility and rather than change heads I started trying different plastic PT baits. SK & Damiki makes a decent one and the Elaztech ones really hold up.
  20. I use braid with leader on spinning rod and had to learn to “lean” on the hook instead of an energetic hookset
  21. A fine wire hook seems to work best for me with swim baits
  22. What differences are there between Super Soft M-F & Super Soft Bait Plastics? I may need it to stay hot for a while and do some reheat. Maybe another brand.
  23. I have the “full kit” of Jacobs Shooting Star and find it versatile. It has the large set of pots and the small set. Both are outstanding for laminates. The temp control system is sensitive and predictable, allowing me to dial in the viscosity for the job. There are multiple injectors, and a separate heated “port” so I always have hot injectors. I really don’t use it anymore though.
  24. No kidding? That surprises me. I was taught to go with soft for finesse baits. Hmm
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